This is the part where we regret getting involved.

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"Okay, so what's our first move?" I was sitting at the foot of my bed, Oscar, Mercury, Emerald, and I were discussing our first move against Roman Torchwick (If it was him causing all this trouble).

"Okay first, we need to make sure who it is that is causing all this chaos," I said. Mercury raised an eyebrow "I might have an about we go to the place these bad guys are most likely to go if they want to rob dust, and if we find them there, we'll know who's doing it...right?" the statement came out more like a question but it wasn't a bad idea.

"Mercury, for once in your life you say something useful" stated Emerald getting up with a grin. Mercury looked like he was about to retaliate but Oscar cut him off. 

"He's right! If we can sneak in into a dust shipment and guard it, we'll know who's behind this and at least give the police and huntsmen a lead" he said. 

"There is still one problem," I said. Everyone turned to look at me "Unless any of you know when and where the next dust shipment is coming?" I asked sarcastically. Everyone had their thinking faces until Oscar's face lit up.

"Wait! Merc and I know a man who might just know that" he said. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "A Man? Who?" I asked. Mercury responded "Some shady guy across town"

"How do you know him?" asked Emerald. Mercury chuckled "We helped him once when his bar blew up" this alarmed me quite a bit. Just as I was about to ask the obvious question, Oscar spoke up "Of course you were the one who blew it up but-" Mercury quickly cut him off "Shhhhhh! He doesn't know that!" he exclaimed.

"You blew up a bar!?" I shouted. Emerald calmly shook her head "This is what happens when you let these two idiots have a 'boy's night out'". I looked over to Os for an explanation "Whose fault was it?" I asked. Oscar tensed up "Well, it was mostly Mercury's," he said.

"And when you say mostly you mean...?" I started, Oscar hummed "Um, like 55% or so..." I facepalmed. 


We went to visit the guy, he wasn't especially thrilled to see Oscar and Mercury but he told us what we were looking for nonetheless. Apparently there was a Schnee dust company shipment coming tonight. We wrote down the location and set off immediately since it was already 8:00 pm.

We arrived at the location and were currently stalking the Shipment from afar. I heard footsteps coming from behind, knowing it was Os I turned around calmly.

"Did I miss anything?" he asked. I sighed "Not really, they've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." he sighed and plopped down next to me. We watched the men sit down and talk for a couple of minutes until a grunt of protest came from our right. We turned our heads simultaneously and just stared at the scene in front of us for a couple of seconds.

I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seeing things until Oscar spoke up "Guys, what the hell" he said

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I blinked a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seeing things until Oscar spoke up "Guys, what the hell" he said.
Emerald shushed him "Shhhhhh, I'm spying" she hissed. "Why are you on top of Merc?" asked Oscar. "To get a better view" stated Em, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Oscar turned to face me "Are we just going to ignore these two?" he asked. I sighed "We've been doing it for the past 12 years," I said nonchalantly.

 Mercury chuckled "Oh, don't you worry Os, I have a great view from down here," he said while smirking. This, of course, earned him a kick in the face from Em and a flinch from me. I know from experience what it's like to get kicked in the face with Emeralds high heels. 

All of a sudden some strong wind came from behind us and I immediately saw why. An aircraft was closing in on the docks fast. It landed not so far away from us, so we had a good view, but far away so we wouldn't be easily discovered.

We waited patiently when all of a sudden someone stepped out of the ship...they turned around and-


I nearly jumped out of my skin when I hastily picked up my scroll. (Yes, a scroll. The school provided some to students who couldn't afford them since they were needed for communication amongst teammates) I groaned when I saw the caller ID and answered "Nora! This is not a very good time!" I whispered-yelled while watching some masked guys descend from the aircraft's steps.

"What why not?" she asked. I sighed "We're kind of patrolling a dust shipment that's currently being robbed and we're planning to stop it!"

"WHAT! AND YOU DIDN'T INVITE US!?" shouted Nora a little too loudly. I winced hoping no one had noticed us yet "Yeah, I'm so sorry, we could really use your help just track my scroll and meet us here" Nora grumbled some words of how she would get us back and hung up.

"Oh no" cursed Oscar. "What is it?" I asked, he sighed "Looks like you were right, you see the red wolf symbols on the back of their uniforms?"

I squinted to get a better view, the men were in position and some were even offloading weapons. Some had antlers, tails, horns, or even an extra pair of ears but they all had something in common. The uniform they all wore was white with silver lining and had a big, red wolf with a slash across its face. I knew what Oscar meant, that was the symbol of the White Fang, we were right all of these robberies were, in fact, connected. And that wasn't everything, our second suspicion was proven right when a voice boomed from the airship.

"Hey! What's the holdup!" the guy we all recognized as Roman Torchwick walked calmly down the stairs of the ship.

"Its Roman Torchwick!" exclaimed Emerald a bit too loudly. "Yes, we can see that!" I hissed and pulled her down from her human-watch tower so we wouldn't be spotted.

The supposed criminal was luckily too busy with his own monologue to spot us "We are not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so~ why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?" he said harshly. 

My blood boiled as I saw the Faunus do as asked and started hooking up the crates to the ship. That's not what made me mad though, what really got on my nerves was the fact that when the men who were really in charge of the shipment tried to stop them, they got knocked out and tossed aside like rag dolls.

 I stood up and brought Cresent Rose out "What are you doing!?" whispered-yelled Oscar. I didn't answer and approached the thieve from behind a crater. Oscar knew exactly what I was doing, I would rather die than stand by and watch innocent people get hurt.

"No you idiot! This isn't a leash!" as I peered my head from the back of a crater I could see Torchwick shouting at a Faunus. I took my chance and rushed behind him putting the Blade of Cresent Rose to the man's throat.

Torchwick was surprised, to say the least, "What the!-Oh for f-" I cut him off "Nobody move!" I shouted loud and clear for everyone to hear. The Faunus pointed their guns and swords at me.

"Woah! Take it easy there little lady" said Torchwick. I growled "Members of the White Fang, why are you aiding this thief!? I thought your organization didn't work with humans!" the Faunus looked down to the ground for a second and Torchwick laughed.

"Kid, didn't you get the memo? The White Fang and I are going on a joint venture together." getting impatient I put my blade closer to his throat "Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end to your little operation".

Before anyone had the chance to do anything, a strong wind came and we all looked up. "I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation," said Torchwick, I could hear his smile as we saw all the airships make their way to the docks. I looked up and got distracted, Torchwick took this as an opportunity and brought out his cane, before I could react he blasted me to the other side of the docks.

Then the battle began.

(A/N: Hey, not dead. Wow, why do I always say that in the author's note? Anyways sorry I have been so inactive but we are in the process of moving into a new house, again. So yeah hope you understand, the next chapter will be up soon and this time I mean it!)

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