First day

560 19 23

3rd person:

It was a lovely morning, the sun was shining through the dorm windows and the birds were chirping outside. It seemed so peaceful... that was until Emerald woke up to the piercing sound of a whistle.

"Gah!" she exclaimed as she landed on the ground. She opened her eyes and saw Ruby towering above her a metal whistle in her hand.

"Good morning teamate!" she chirped. Emerald groaned "So it wasn't a nightmare?" she asked, "I think you mean a dream-" corrected Ruby. Emerald cut her off "Did I stutter?" 

"Girls no catfights please," said Mercury. He and Oscar were already dressed in their uniforms as well as Ruby. Emerald collected her clothes and went to the bathroom. Ruby called from behind her "Once you're done we'll start okay!". Emerald turned around in confusion "Start with what?" she asked.

"Decorating and Unpacking! Of course!" exclaimed Ruby. Emerald raised an eyebrow "...What?" getting impatient Ruby pushed her into the bathroom "Hurry!" was all that she said before shutting the door in her face.



"And~...Done!" called Ruby. We had just spent about 20 minutes of unpacking since we didn't have much. It would've taken even less time if we hadn't been bickering for about 5 minutes over space.

"Okay now what?" asked Oscar. Ruby put a hand to her chin and inspected the room "Hmmm...There's something missing"

"Actual decorations?" I suggested looking at the few stuff we had dropped on our shelves. Ruby ignored me and continued.

"Aha!" she exclaimed "Bunkbeds!" I stared at her "What why?".

Ruby gave us her 'Pretty please, little puppy' eyes. I sighed knowing none of us could resist those eyes. 

"Fine~," I said. Ruby jumped with excitement and in no time we had two pair of very unstable, DIY, bunk beds. I slept in the top right with Mercury right underneath and Oscar slept in the bottom left with Ruby above him.

Ruby climbed to her new bed, opened her agenda, and sighed.

"Well, today's a busy day. Let's see... our first lesson is at 9:00 am-"

The second those words left her mouth I screeched "What! Did you just say 9:00 am!?"

Ruby nodded "It's 8:55 you dunce!" I exclaimed pointing at the clock. All colour drained from our faces and we dashed out the door.



(Thank you @Blackcrimson453 for the idea. I'd told you I'd add it😅)

I laughed evilly as I watched Ren and Neo sleep peacefully. We'd decorated our room yesterday night but had gone to sleep late due to it.

I got out my electric sticks and set them to minimum so I wouldn't fry my teamates. I got closer and-

Ren screamed and Neo's face was plastered with shock (A/N: Get it? Shocked?...I know terrible pun).

Back at Carnac I used to wake everyone up like this. Ah, how I've missed doing it.

As soon as Neo recovered she chased me no doubt seeking revenge. I ran as fast as I could but we had to stop our little cat & mouse game when a knock came from the door.

Ren opened it and I saw a glimpse of Jaune, the guy Ruby had introduced to us yesterday. I looked behind him and saw that he was with 3 other girls.

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