Some People just want to watch the world burn

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I woke up with a start to the sound of screams. 'Ms. Mellicaid' I thought, 'That sounded just like Ms. Mellicaid'. I gave a quick look to the room, everybody was sound asleep. Nora was snoring like usual, Mercury was talking in his sleep as usual but something was off. I ran out of the room but could hardly see to the end of the smoke-filled corridor. I snapped my head to the direction of the stairs where Ms. Mellicaid's screams were being heard and saw a vibrant orange light. I immediately knew what was going on. A Fire.

"Guys!" I screamed so loud I could swear I woke up the whole village. Everybody jerked up and looked at my direction "Fire!" I shouted before bolting down the stairs whilst covering my nose. I found the kitchen already engulfed in flames and most of Carnac already set ablaze 'We must've slept through the start of the fire' I thought. The next of Ms. Mellicaid's screams brought me back to reality, at this point the rest of the MPC was already downstairs with me.

We ran into the library where the screams were coming from and saw Ms. Mellicaid on the floor trying to take a bookshelf off of her. Oscar, Nora, Em, and Mercury each got a corner of the heavy furniture and managed to lift it. Ms. Mellicaid had tears in her eyes "Kids! Get out before it gets worse!" she shouted. Just then a beam fell off from the other side of the room. We bolted to the corridor and Nora shouted back "No way! We're not leaving you here!" Ms. Mellicaid pushed us away from the library whilst responding "I'll be right behind you I have to go wake up Penny and Sandy, Carnac is an old building it won't last long!"

We followed her instructions and headed outside while she took the stairs. Once we were outside it only got worse. I fixed my gaze on Patch and gasped, Carnac wasn't the only building on fire, a good part of the village was on flames too. People were running around screaming, the emergency water system was on, and alarms were blaring through the place. With all the panic and chaos you can guess who decided to pay us a visit. Grimm were closing in on Patch fast, the sound of a Beowolf's cry in the distance. Oscar rushed next to me, put an arm around me and held my hand, the comfort felt nice but we had more serious issues at the moment.

We heard a loud 'CRACK' and turned around. Ms. Mellicaid was right Carnac wasn't going to last long, the building was about to collapse! We started running back in, partly because of instinct but mostly because Ms. Mellicaid, Sandy, and Penny were still inside. When we were a few meters from the door there was a second 'CRACK' and this time the building did fall "NO!" we shouted, screamed, and I even cried but there was nothing we could do other than back away as the stone crumbled down and the orphanage we had grown to love fell with the rest of our family inside. I trashed and kicked but Oscar held me back.

"They might've gone through the back door!" exclaimed Emerald. We didn't have time to go check because just then we heard a growl from behind. I turned around and found myself face-to-face with an Ursa. Everyone stayed still for half-a-second and then "Run!" Mercury flipped and shot it twice, he was the only one who had his weapon at all times since they were kind of his legs. We headed straight to the woods, we weren't that effective in a fight without weapons, especially against an Ursa.

The black fence had been wrecked, probably by other Grimm. We jumped on the rubble and ran to the cave with the Ursa still at our tails. When we got to the small clearing we bolted into the tunnel. I got in last and tripped I screamed and turned around covering my face, luckily the Ursa didn't fit through the tunnel it was too big. The Ursa clawed are gnashed at the entrance but the solid rocks were too strong. Oscar helped me up and we didn't slow down until we were in the cave's library.

Everyone was out of breath, crying, or about to cry. My brain still couldn't process what was going on, everything had happened so fast less than 15 minutes ago I was safe in bed dreaming. I was going into shock and would've probably stayed like that if Oscar wouldn't have been holding me. We silently cried together, it was getting late and without a word, we went to sleep. I hugged Oscar tight and we fell asleep on the couch, I drifted off praying this had just been a bad nightmare.

(A/N: Okay since I left this at a cliffhanger I'm won't be Stan and will try to publish the next chapter by tomorrow)

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