This is the part where we get involved.

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Merc, Rubes, Os, and I were walking down the street heading to the docks.

"Ugh~ why are we here?" asked Mercury. I rolled my eyes at his whining, although it was kinda cute-wait! No! No! No! Bad Emerald! I shook my head and answered, "The Vytal Festival is approaching and students from all around Remnant will be coming, I just feel like it'll be nice for us to greet them at the docks."

"She wants to spy on the competition." stated Oscar "Do not!" I shouted back. Ruby playfully laughed "Oh what gave it away?" she asked Oscar sarcastically. Oscar pretended to think "Geez I don't know, I'm pretty sure it was the 'trying to be nice' part," he said playing along.

I was about to smack him upside the head when Mercury interrupted "Well you two aren't in a good mood" I smirked ready to play my revenge card "They're just mad we interrupted their makeout session" I stuck my tongue out at them as I saw them go 50 shades of red.



Merc and I laughed at their faces. The two dorks have been dating for a year yet they're still awkward beans. They glared at us and I don't really blame them. We did just pull them out of a date, but hey, I wasn't the one who shouted at them 'Hey lovebirds! Stop your PDA display and come with me and minty to the docks!' (I'm going to be the master of the obvious and tell you it was Mercury who shouted that and Oscar who almost strangled him).

We reached the docks and waited 'till the ships arrived. I searched the docks and finally spotted Shade academy's ship. Then, out of nowhere shouts of protest were being heard from the back. 

"Hey! Someone stop that Faunus!"

Two students, surely from Vaccuo, were chasing a blond boy with a banana, he seemed to be a monkey Faunus.

"Hey! Get back here you good-for-nothing stowaway!" shouted one "Ha! If I were a good-for-nothing stowaway, I would've been caught, I'm a great stowaway!" he shouted back climbing a lamp pole. 'I already like this guy' I thought to myself.

Two policemen came by "Hey Kid! Get down from here this instant!" the guy gulped down the last of his banana and threw the peel on the officers' face. I couldn't help but laugh. I was very much aware of the glares I received from Ruby and Oscar as the Faunus jumped over the policemen and started running.

He ran past us and I saw him wink at Ruby as went by. We waited a moment, then two.

"Well, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes," said Mercury.

"Quick! Let's go!" we ran and followed them but they took so many detours and turns we lost them at some point. We turned around a corner and slowed down, there were policemen everywhere. A little shop I remembered was where we got some supplies when we first came here was in shambles. The windows were broken, glass was everywhere and the store looked practically empty.

We went up to one of the officers, who was writing something in a notepad "What happened here?" asked Ruby. The man looked up "Robbery. Third dust shop to be hit this week, this place is turning into a jungle." he went over to his partner.

"That's terrible" murmured Oscar. "They left all the money again." I looked up at that statement "Huh?" the two men were speaking quite loudly so it wasn't hard to hear into their conversation.

"Yeah, it just doesn't make that much sense, Who needs that much dust?"

"I don't know, ya know what I mean?"

"You thinking, the-uh White Fang?"

"Yeah I'm thinking we don't get paid enough"

I scoffed "So these are the people in charge of keeping order in Vale? Geez I feel safer already" Oscar and Mercury laughed but Ruby was looking at the shop skeptically, like when she's coming up with some of her suicidal-grade plans. I always got nervous when she had that look. Last time, you might remember, we ended up jumping from a cliff into a fast-moving train! Welp, at least we got some party stories on our sleeves. (Please note the sarcasm).

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