The beginning of the end

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(A/N: I have nothing to say for myself. Enjoy the chapter)


Torchwick shot at me but I dodged every time. I turned the corner and went behind a crate, I could hear Torchwick's footsteps getting closer "C'mon Red, we're not done-Argh!" I poked my head out and saw that Oscar had decided to join the fight and had managed to make a graceful entrance. And by 'Graceful Entrance' I mean he landed on Torchwick's head knocking him down to the floor.

I snorted trying not to laugh, Os, on the other hand, was nowhere near amused as he rolled out of the way. "Leave.Her.Alone." I've only ever heard Oscar this mad whenever someone has tried to threaten me.

The remaining airships had now landed and about 40-45 White-Fang members came out. Eight surrounded Oscar and Torchwick chuckled "You are not the brightest bulb in the shed, are ya kid?" the Faunus charged but I knew Os could hold his own. He attacked and dodged a few times, and even laughed once until Torchwick approached him personally.

Before any of them could do a move I cut in front of Oscar and went for Torchwick shouting "He's mine!" We fought and I could see from the corner of my eye Oscar, Mercury, and Emerald fighting the remaining of the White-Fang members.

Once Oscar was done with his share of enemies, he came back to my side and we gained the upper hand on Torchwick. That was until he pointed his Cane above us, I didn't know what he was doing at first but then I realized there was a crate hanging above us, well not for much longer. We managed to dodge but in the process of rolling out of the way, Oscar was left defenseless and Torchwick used this Opportunity to point the gun part of his Cane at him.

Nobody moved. Everyone was silent until-

"WOHOOOO!" we looked to our right and cracked a smile. Nora came barreling down from on top of a building, enhanced her strength with her electric sticks, and punched about 5 Faunus to the curve, in a matter of seconds. Neo leaped down quietly on her umbrella while Ren was already on the ground, no one seeing where he came from.

"Seriously? More children?" Torchwick didn't have time to say anything else since Nora came charging and in the blink of an eye, had punched Torckwick to the other side of the docks.

"That's for not inviting us earlier" I laughed and got my gun in Scythe form. We fought our way through the rest of the White-Fang members until the airships went airborne and hooked themselves up, each with a Dust Crate.

"Don't let them take the Dust!" I shouted, everyone immediately got to work. Oscar, Neo, and Nora were keeping the rest of the men at bay and taking care of anyone who tried to flee. Mercury, Ren and I were shooting at the airships but it wasn't working our firepower was too little.

"This isn't working!" I shouted, stating the obvious as the ships started ascending, luckily they were moving way slower thanks to the giant Dust Crates they were pulling up. Suddenly I got an idea "Aim at the strings!" I shouted. Ren and Mercury seemed to understand me and started shooting at the thick, metal strings that were holding the Crates. Once they snapped and the Crates fell to the floor, Emerald sprung from the top of a building and lashed out her strings onto the airships' tail rotor, causing them to crash. Luckily Em got out of the way before she could get hurt.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to us, Torchwick had gotten himself onto an airship just in time to flee the scene. Before leaving he shut the aircraft's door and murmured to himself "These kids just keep getting weirder!"

We returned to Beacon after calling the police and explaining everything to them. Well, almost everything. We just casually forgot to mention that we were stalking the Shipment and not just passing by.

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