Hideouts and forgotten memories

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I wasn't sure if we should but I didn't say anything as we entered the tunnel "It looks man-made" said Ruby "Yeah this isn't natural" agreed Oscar "What do you think it leads to?" asked Emerald "It's probably the entrance to a Grimm nest!" exclaimed Mercury obviously trying to scare us. Nora scoffed but I could see she was still shaking a little bit so I took her hand in mine and squeezed it tight. Oscar then stopped on his tracks "Whatever is down there we won't be able to see it" he was right the light from the end of the tunnel was getting dimmer.

"Guys look!" exclaimed Ruby as she pointed to something in the wall we got closer to get a better look and saw a torch. "So this place is man-made," said Nora from next to me. Mercury grabbed the torch and in no time, we were lighting our way through the mysterious tunnel.

About 5 minutes later we saw a faint light at the other end we slowed our walking and were on high alert. We peeked around the corner and everyone gasped at the sight. At the end of the tunnel, a huge cave was visible. Vines were falling from the ceiling, the air was humid, and a pale light washed over the place but was bright enough for us to see the small library, couch and chairs, and a quite large training arena.

 Vines were falling from the ceiling, the air was humid, and a pale light washed over the place but was bright enough for us to see the small library, couch and chairs, and a quite large training arena

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(A/N: I know this is from assassins creed but please bear with me)

We stepped in and dispersed our every footstep echoed through the place. I hesitantly let go of Nora's hand she went to explore the arena while I headed towards the library. There were pieces of wood and dust littered everywhere, it looked like no one had been here in a decade.

"Wow~" was all that came out from our mouths. We continued to silently explore until Nora jumped up and exclaimed "Guys! I have an idea, let's make this our super cool base of operations!" I saw Emerald raise an eyebrow "It's dusty and old" Nora looked her way "Fine our base of operations" she corrected "What operations?" asked Ruby "Ugh! Our base then" Nora self-corrected yet again.

"It's not such a bad idea if we cleaned up a bit this place could be quite fun," I said. Nora looked over to me with a 'Thank you' look. Everyone agreed and started cleaning up. Mercury and I took out as many wooden logs as we could, and Emerald went back to Carnac for some brooms to sweep so she and Nora were doing that. Neo was rearranging the couches and chairs to make a living room, and Ruby and Oscar disappeared somewhere in the library.

It took some hours but finally Mercury and I dropped the last of the logs outside. We went back in and saw that Emerald and Nora were done sweeping and that Neo had organized a pretty cozy living room with two single seat sofa chairs, a coffee table, and a couch.

We didn't have time to congratulate each other because just then Oscar and Ruby called us from the library "Guys!" we rushed in thinking they might be in trouble but found them behind a pile of books "What even guys? We thought you two were cleaning!" said Emerald while looking around at the still dusty library. Oscar shook his head "No we've been reading".

Mercury rolled his eyes "Of course! Ladies and gentlemen Ruby and Oscar Pine the only human beings who would sit down and read after discovering an underground cave" he announced while pointing at them. Oscar rolled his eyes "Yeah, first of all we're not underground and second of all the books we were reading, the same books that fill this library are diaries" this got everyone's attention "This is not just a cave, it once was a real base of operations for a Huntsmen group called team STRQ" continued Ruby.

'Was?' signed Neo. Oscar and Ruby's faces dropped "We can't figure out what happened to them, these books were written by their team leader a girl called Summer Rose she talked about their adventures, their fighting styles, tactics, codes, and most of all Beacon" I raised an eyebrow "Beacon? As in Vale's Huntsmen Academy?" I asked. Ruby nodded "They entered when they were 18, Raven and Qrow two other members of the team STRQ got a scholarship there. Here look we found a picture of them"

We passed the picture around but had to be careful with the fragile material

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We passed the picture around but had to be careful with the fragile material. When we were done looking at it I passed it back to Ruby who put it away. Oscar flipped through the pages of the book he was holding. He looked up at us "This is the most recent book we could find" then he flipped another page and the paper went blank.

"The last we heard Summer wrote that she and her team were going on a dangerous mission, and then, nothing." we all looked down at this, we knew exactly what had happened. 

Nora noticed the gloomy mood and tried to make everyone feel better because she's Nora. "Oh C 'mon you guys!" she shouted, everyone, looked at her "We always wanted to be Huntsmen and Huntresses and now we have a real Huntsmen operation base!" she turned around and sprinted to the arena. 

We followed and saw her jumping on the round concrete circle meant for sparing. Nora laughed out-loud, extended her arms, and exclaimed "Now we have a place to practice! Oscar you and Ruby said Summer described team STRQ's tactics, codes, and fighting styles, we can learn from those books!" I smiled at her enthusiasm. We all looked back at Ruby, she laughed "Why not?".

And so we had our first official team meeting. We all sat around the coffee table I was in one of the couch-chairs, Nora was in the other, Oscar, Ruby, Neo, and Emerald were on the couch and Mercury was sitting on the floor by them. Ruby was the first to speak "Okay first things first we need weapons" we all exchanged glances until Mercury perked up "Oh! You guys know that little shed behind the orphanage?" he asked. We all nodded "Well I've been inside and it's filled with junk metal, spray paint, wood, coal, and a bunch of tools!".

At that, I remembered something "Hey Ruby we could use your designs, Emerald and Mercury could build a forge and Oscar could build them with our help" we all knew Ruby was a weapons fanatic and that she kept millions of weapon designs she made herself. Ruby blushed a bit "I don't know guys those weapons are pretty silly and-" Oscar cut her off "No way! I've seen your designs they're super cool!"

Ruby blushed even more at this "O-okay, sure". Emerald fist-bumped the air "Okay! Let's bring the material over here Mercury and I can start building it's only 5 pm" before she could rush out the door Ruby called out "Wait!" Emerald stopped and turned "So we get weapons but we still need to learn how to fight, I say Emerald and Mercury build a forge, meanwhile, I'll look through some of my weapon designs and Oscar and Ren can look through Summer's books to find one to teach us the basics of combat" she suggested.

"I agree that sounds like a plan," I said "Hey, wait what are Neo and me suppose to do?" asked Nora 'Yeah you didn't forget about us did you?' asked Neo. Ruby laughed nervously "He, he...Kind of" before Nora and Neo could suggest anything that might get them killed Oscar spoke up "Hey we have some money saved you two could ask Ms. Mellicaid if you can go to town and buy a CD player" Nora raised an eyebrow and Neo was confused "A CD player? For what?" questioned Nora.

"You can rent CDs for free in the local library some are about Huntsmen and combat lessons, you know just in case Summer's books aren't enough," suggested Oscar.

"Okay, It's a plan!-" shouted Ruby "Let's do this!".

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