Carnac Orphanage

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Our story begins in Patch, a small village in the outskirts of Mistral where a certain orphanage stood. Carnac orphanage home to seven peculiar kids, Ruby, Oscar, Emerald, Mercury, Nora, Ren, and Neo. They were known as 'Strange' by the other kids in the orphanage but this group of friends went by a different name, the 'Missing Parents Club'. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?


Hello, My name is Ruby and I have lived in Carnac Orphanage as long as I can remember. Ms. Mellicaid said that I was delivered at the doorstep of the orphanage in the middle of the night with no note, just a smear of ash in my cheek. I don't remember, well, of course, after all, I was only one year old. Now I'm five and haven't been adopted yet.

"C' mon Ruby!" that was my best friend, Oscar Pine he is also five years old. It was curfew and Ms. Mellicaid, the orphanage director, doesn't like us walking around at night she says it's too dangerous. "I'm coming!" I called back and went Inside. Carnac was located next to some woods in a clearing a few yards from town. The orphanage was a huge stone building with a black tiled roof that gave off a spooky vibe, many thought it was haunted but we knew that the noises of screams and chains were just Mercury and Emerald pranking whoever came close by that wasn't supposed to. Oh, sorry I haven't introduced the rest of my friends.

My best friend as I mentioned before is Oscar he, like me, came to Carnac when he was just a baby his Farm had burned down in a fire killing both his parents but he miraculously survived. They brought him to Carnac since he didn't have any relatives. Emerald was abandoned by her mother and lived in the streets with Mercury until Ms. Mellicaid brought them in. Mercury had a lunatic father until one day he committed suicide but not before hurting Merc so bad he had to get his legs amputated and prosthetics, Mercury then met Emerald and you know the rest.

Nora and Ren were friends since birth their village got attacked by Grimm resulting in the death of their parents. Last but not least Neo ran away from her abusive father a few months ago and we accepted her into the group. We told her there was nothing wrong with being mute and we're even learning sign language so we can understand her better.

"So where's the rest of the MPC?" I asked Oscar as we headed to our rooms. The MPC was short for 'Missing Parents Club' that's what we called ourselves. A silly name that we came up with since we were all missing our parents. Oscar laughed "Well Mercury got his head stuck in the stair's railing, Ren heard that buttering your head helps so he's doing that while Nora is pulling his feet with all her force and Emerald and Neo are just watching from the corner" at that I laughed too.

When we got there we saw that Ren and Nora had succeeded to take Mercury's head out of the railing. Ren and Nora looked pleased with their work Mercury, on the other hand, did not. He was rubbing his neck and his face and hair were all covered in a shiny yellow substance that I could probably guess was butter.

Before I could ask if someone had a slice of bread a voice rang from behind me "Kids! What are you doing its past curfew you should be sleeping" said a very worried Ms. Mellicaid as she gently led us up to the stairs. Then she saw Mercury and sighed, "Oh, what have you done?" she asked "He got his head stuck on the railing!" exclaimed Nora as she continued to eat the remains of the butter bar. Emerald started laughing and Neo smiled widely and shook a bit which was equivalent to a laugh for her.

"It was an ignorant dare from Emerald to Mercury, we managed to get him out without any damage to him or the railing," said Ren calmly "Speak for yourself! My neck hurts like hell" complained Mercury "Mercury~ I don't want none of that language here" chided Ms. Mellicaid.

Once we got to the top of the stairs, got changed and went to bed Ms. Mellicaid told us all goodnight, she was like a mother to us and we loved her very much. She also told us to be ready for tomorrow since it was adoption day, we all groaned at this.

Once a year the orphanage opened their doors to anybody who was planning to adopt so they could come and meet the kids. Sure anyone could just come at any time of the year to adopt if they wanted to. Why did we hate this day so much? Because no one ever came, Patch was a small village not that many people wanted to adopt, and even if they did no one ever even consider to choose any of us.

"Wait!" I called as Ms. Mellicaid was about to close the door "Yes sweetie?" asked Ms. Mellicaid "Could you read us the story of the Huntress and Huntsman?" I asked "Yes please!" agreed Oscar Ms.Mellicaid chuckled "Of course," she said.

We got comfortable and listened closely as she read us the story of two brave heroes and their adventures. When she was finished I smiled widely and exclaimed: "When I grow up, I'm going to become a huntress!" I decided "Me too!" said Oscar "Me three!" said Emerald "Us too," said Nora pointing at Ren and her. Neo signed 'Don't forget me!' we all looked at Mercury "Do you want to be a huntsman?" I asked "Of course! You all want to be Huntsmen and we're a team, once a team always a team" he said.

"Yeah!" shouted Nora "Shhh," said Ms. Mellicaid "You're going to wake up Joe, Nancy and Luke" Joe, Nancy, and Luke shared a room next door they were the other kids apart from us living at the orphanage.

I looked at Ms. Mellicaid "Ms. Mellicaid! Do you think we can become huntsmen and huntresses?" I asked. Ms. Mellicaid had a sad smile "Oh, sweetie you know that the orphanage doesn't have the money to send all of you to combat school, but if you put your head into it, you can be whoever you want to be" I smiled "I promise you Ms. Mellicaid I'll become a great huntress!" she smiled at this "Of course you will". Ms. Mellicaid told us goodnight again and left. I went to bed that night dreaming of what the future might bring, and If we would ever have a chance at being huntsmen and huntresses.

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