Why do you want to become Huntsmen and Huntresses?

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Professor Goodwitch entered the room and escorted us to Professor Ozpin's office. We took the elevator and were there in no time. It was a big room with a large desk, a cozy little coffee table, and couch for guests. His back was turned and without even looking he motioned us to sit on the couch. We did and he came over, sat on a chair, and drank from his cup.

"Coffee anyone?" he asked. We all shook our heads. After some seconds of silence and coffee sipping, I spoke up "Um...Sir why did you want to see us?" he stopped drinking and looked at me.

"Ruby Rose, right?" he questioned. I nodded "You have...Silver eyes" my eyes widened. I felt mixed emotions, I felt déjà vu since Oscar used to point that out very often when we were kids saying something about some legends he'd read. I felt confusion, why would he point it out? And now? But mostly I felt a bit uncomfortable since everyone was looking at me now.

"Yes..." I said. He nodded, took another sip of his coffee and continued as nothing happened.

"So, you want to know why have I summoned you here?" we nodded. He chuckled "Well you kids are very convincing but fortunately I managed to figure out the truth. I know who you are". As he said that my heart stopped. Did he mean-No, it can't be. From the corner of my eye, I saw some of the guys reach for their weapons as of instinct.

"Calm down now, I'm not done yet," said the unusually calm teacher while holding his hand up. The guys relaxed a bit but I could tell they were still on high alert. Professor Ozpin continued "I know you all are orphans from Patch, how is not important, but I can assure you I won't tell the police I know they'll send you off who knows where and separate you due to all of you being underage".

This surprised me too. How did he know? "You know, Beacon accepts all types of students. Human, Faunus, Rich, Poor. I'm happy to have students such as yourselves. Especially with those scores." He looked at me and I looked down feeling embarrassed again.

"But you must know that we do not tolerate lying-" my heart stopped for the third time "-So instead of lying we'll simply bend the truth." I looked up at his raising an eyebrow. 

"Excuse me sir, but what do you mean?" asked Oscar. Professor Ozpin chuckled "Well underage students can only enter Beacon if chosen directly by me and like I said I'll be happy to have students such as yourselves..." I smiled widely "If..." crap. If? What did he mean by If?

"If you can all answer one question truthfully." now I was curious. Professor Ozpin continued "I want all of you to tell me why. Why do you want to become Huntsmen and Huntresses so badly you'd go through all of this?".

We looked at each other. Why we never asked, I knew we all had our different reasons but I noticed 'till now that no one knew why the other wanted to become a Huntsmen or Huntress so badly. We looked back at the headmaster and he motioned Mercury to start.

He paused but answered truthfully "Because of my father." The room went silent as he continued "He was a horrible man that never did the right thing. I don't want to be anything like him. I want to help people not hurt them." We looked at each other until Emerald broke the silence "Merc...You do know you're nothing like him, right?" Mercury didn't answer and Mr. Ozpin motioned for Oscar to continue.

He cleared his throat "Well because my parents were killed in a fire when I was a baby. Huntsmen didn't arrive on time, I don't want that to happen to anyone else." At looked at him in surprise. I knew his story but I didn't know that was the reason he wanted to be a Huntsmen. Professor Ozpin smiled and motioned to Emerald. I slipped my hand in Oscar's and smiled up at him. He smiled back and squeezed my hand three times.

Emerald thought for a second and then said "Because a Huntresse's job is to care for others. They're selfless, unlike my mother." she finished bitterly. Now it was Nora and Ren's turn "I guess me and Ren want to become Huntsmen and Huntresses because our home and family were taken away by Grimm, more than once, and like Oscar, we won't let that happen to anyone else."

Professor Ozpin turned to Neo. She fidgeted and looked at me 'Could you translate?' before I could answer Ozpin did "No need I speak sign language" we looked at him, our faces must've been very surprised because he laughed. Neo took a deep breath and signed 'Because some people told me I was worthless and useless just because of my muteness. I need to prove them wrong'.

We looked at her with sympathetic looks, we knew that by 'Some people' she meant her father. At last Professor, Ozpin looked at me. I gulped and thought for a second. Why did I want to become a Huntress?


I looked at Ms. Mellicaid "Ms. Mellicaid! Do you think we can become huntsmen and huntresses?" I asked. Ms. Mellicaid had a sad smile "Oh, sweetie you all know that the orphanage doesn't have the money to send you to combat school, but if you put your head into it, you can be whoever you want to be" I smiled "I promise you Ms. Mellicaid I'll become a great huntress!" she smiled at this "Of course you will".

~~~End of Flashback~~~

Oscar's hand squeeze brought me back to reality. I made eye contact with Professor Ozpin and answered "Because...because I made a promise to someone. Someone who believed in me, in us even though our chances were slim. She was the one who introduced us to Huntsmen and Huntresses, I always dreamed of being like the heroes in the bedtime stories she read to us. I promised her that I would be like those heroes and I plan on keeping that promise." the MPC and me all looked down. I knew that they could tell who I was talking about.

"Very well then-" started Professor Ozpin "-Welcome to Beacon academy." We snapped our heads up and smiled. Ozpin chuckled and continued "Yes I'll tell the staff you were handpicked by me, now...Why don't you tell me your real ages?" he asked.

"17," said almost everyone "16" I responded, "17 today sir." I whipped my head at his direction "Wait, what!" I screamed at my boyfriend. Oscar laughed "It's August 15 silly," he said. My eyes widened and I hugged him "You're right! Oh, I lost track of the date! Happy birthday!" we all congratulated him.

"Well congratulations young man but I'm afraid you all should be going now, you wouldn't want to be late for the Bullhead will you?" I looked at the time. It was 4:00 Pm! We got up and rushed to the door, we briskly murmured some "Thank you"'s and "See you soon"'s and headed for the Bullhead.

(A/N: Again I'm sorry I know it doesn't make sense that they took the Entrance Exams in Beacon and then they took the Bullhead to Beacon. If it doesn't bother you thanks but if it does just pretend when they signed up, the talk with Ozpin and the Entrance exams took place in a different building. Thank you you're all amazing! <3)

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