A day in Vale

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"I swear that just gave me anxiety," I said as we walked down the steps and out of Beacon. We laughed a bit until Oscar looked at Ruby and smirked: "I guess you're now Ruby Rose?" Ruby smiled "Yep!" she said popping the 'P'. Neo snapped her fingers, we looked at her as she signed 'Very soon Ruby Pine' we laughed our butts while Ruby and Oscar shouted "NEO POLITAN!" we laughed some more but were interrupted by a growl.

We looked over to Neo who was holding her stomach "Well-" said Mercury "-For a mute person that was quite some noise" we all laughed again and Neo smiled widely while blushing a bit.

"Hey, anyone up for some late lunch and early dinner?" I asked "Pancakes!" shouted Nora "Nora, we're not eating pancakes for dinner" chided Ren "why not~" she whined. At last, we stopped in a fast food place when we were done Nora declared we were going shopping "Why?" I asked "We need combat gear!" said Nora in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Nora's right, these won't last long," said Ruby pointing at our clothes. I looked down at my mint dress, We didn't have the best clothes but Ms. Melliciad had sewed them for us. I looked back up again "Guys I'm not sure if I want to just throw this away," I said "We won't-"started Ruby "-But they'll get ruined, we all know these aren't exactly for fighting" I nodded understanding "Hey no biggie-" said Merc "We'll just get some combat gear we can afford and we'll place our old clothes safely in our bags" he finished. We all nodded again and went shopping.


"Okay ready?" I asked. We had all chosen our combat gear, the boys were already outside of the changing rooms but Nora and Neo insisted the girls had to 'Come in dramatically' so I was coming out first.

"Ta-Da~," I said sarcastically whilst doing jazz hands.

"Ta-Da~," I said sarcastically whilst doing jazz hands

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"Not bad Em," said Mercury. I smirked "Yeah not so bad yourself either"

(A/N: Please ignore the posses they're in, It's just for the clothes)

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(A/N: Please ignore the posses they're in, It's just for the clothes)

"Are you two done?" asked Nora from the other side of the door "Yes, now come out" I sighed. Nora jumped out of the room a smile plastered on her face "So?~" she asked us but mostly Ren.

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