Entrance Exams

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"Rubes~ Calm down" I was currently trying to prevent Ruby from having a panic attack and miserably failing. I rubbed her back while she took slow breaths "You're going to do just fine" Ruby was next for the entrance exams and freaking out about it. Em, Merc, Nora, Ren, and Neeks already did it but we didn't know if they did well or what they did.

You see Beacon's entrace exams aren't like most school's. It's not filling a piece of paper with a pencil, they take you to a secluded room and by the looks of it, we're going to have to fight something. If I had to guess, and with the amount of information I was given I kind of do, I say it's a few Grimm. 

"Ms. Ruby Rose, you're next," said a tall blonde woman we learned was named Ms. Goodwitch. Ruby got up shaking and went to the door, she looked at me one last time and I gave her thumbs up. She smiled and went in 'She's exaggerating, I bet she sets some kind of record' I thought to myself. We've fought Grimm before, nothing super big, just the occasional one we found in the woods. I've seen Ruby fight, she'll be okay.


"Mr. Oscar Pine" I got up, straightened my jacket, and went in. The room was huge, probably as big as Carnac's courtyard. The floor was stone, there was a door on the other end other than the one I came through, a black gate, and the walls were gray except for the left one that had a big mirror I could tell was double-sided. Of course, someone was watching from the other side.

"Hello, Mr. Pine" I looked up and saw speakers on the ceiling, whoever was behind that mirror was surely talking to an intercom he sounded like a middle-aged man with a sort of British accent. I looked back at the mirror "Hi" I waved, the voice chuckled and continued "Your task is simple, We'll release 3 Ursa and 5 Beowolves not at the same time, of course, we'll grade your performance and remember we won't interfere if you want to leave please tell us now" almost instantly I responded "No. Bring them out" I got the feeling the man was smiling but didn't have to think about it because suddenly the gate opened and 5 Beowolves came out.

I took out my cane and readied myself. (A/N: In this story, Ozpin doesn't have a Cane only Oscar, sorry I just couldn't find an excuse of why Ruby's design for him was the same as Ozpin's weapon/walking stick) As soon as the Grimm saw me they pounced. The first one charged straight towards me, I ran towards it flipped so I flew above it and pierced my cane on it's back. It fell and didn't get back up. 

The next one came, I threw my cane and opened it at the same time, It opened and hit the Grimm in the face then it bounced back into my hand just in time for the third jump on me, I dodged and he missed killing his friend instead of me. I took the chance and knocked him out with my cane then killed it.

'Two left' I thought. I ran towards the other one, jumped on the wall and used it as an impulse to kick the Grimm to the other side of the room, just then the other one came to me from behind I swatted it with my cane breaking some of its teeth, it was disorientated enough for me to make the final blow. The last one charged towards me and I did the same to him as I did to the first.

I landed and looked at the room which was now filled with the black dust remains of the Grimm. There was a 'Beep' and the man in the speakers spoke again "Excellent, and your time was impeccable" I smiled to myself "Thanks".

"Now the Ursa" I got my cane out and once again the gate opened.


I defeated the Ursa and was told to go through the second door. I went in and found myself in an even bigger room. Ruby and the rest were waiting for me along with a few other kids that had already done the test. The room was spacious with a lot of chairs and couches. I noticed there were windows here unlike the other room.

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