But, then, Bellamy stepped forward,"my sisters been out there, alone, for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her."

Bear stepped away from Clarke, as she saw a shadow loom by a tree nearby. His hair all messed up, as the cuts on his face had still not fully healed. In his grasp was a torch he had stolen from Bears fireplace.

"Jasper," Bear sighed, hugging him softly, as she knew that his wounds were worse compared to hers,"you can go back to sleep, we'll understand."

"I need to do this," Jasper replied, his voice groggy, and raspy, as if he was struggling to breathe properly.

"We need all the people we can get," Bellamy said, making Bear literally jump into Jasper out of fright.

Was Bellamy Blake purposefully trying to give Bear a heart attack? Did he hate her that much.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Bear sighed, putting her hand over her heart,"don't creep up on people like that!"

Bear watched as Jasper stepped around the brunette, as if she wasn't even there. Deep down, Bear felt betrayed that Jasper only started to come out after he hears about Octavia being in trouble.
God forbid he did anything after he found out Bear had up and left camp the other night.

But then again, it's Harvey he cares about. If he finds out who Bear truly is, the little friendship she feels she has left will be ripped away from her - it always is.

She got given the bad cards in life, she believed she was given the Wallflower DNA.

Bellamy looked to Clarke,"We need a tracker... Finn, get out here."

Bear watched as Bellamy watched Finns tent entrance like a hawk, you could tell he was getting impatient, as his jaw twitched and his foot kicked the ground every few seconds.
Walked to the entrance, Bear whispered,"Finn, come on, Bellamy and his royal ass is getting impatient."

As everyone started to make their trek through the forest, Bear stood alone, as the two people she would've stood next to were occupied. Clarke by Finn, and Jasper by his mind.
Taking a deep breathe, she turned her baton up, holding the sharp side against her palm before it bled, then switching it to the handle again.

Exterior wounds help her escape the interior ones.

The people infront of her suddenly stopped, making Bear smack right into their backs, which got a scowl from them.
Looking to the sky as someone said,"do you see that, look up there," tears sprung to her eyes.

"They didn't work," Raven called,"They didn't see the flares."

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy wondered, standing beside Bear.

"It's not a meteor shower... it's a funeral," Clarke replied,"Hundreds if bodies being returned to the earth from the ark... this is what it looks like from the other side."

Bears bloodied palm came to rest on her mouth as a sob almost slipped through her lips, what she was witnessing was a literal bloodbath that people thought seconds ago... beautiful.

"They didn't get our message," Clarke sighed.

"This is all because of you," Raven hissed, taking a step forward, to which Bear stepped in between the two.

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