Move in? Pt 2

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Everything was perfect for the first few weeks. The couple cuddled and kissed at night, ate breakfast together and cooked each other meals before spending the evening together. They were in there own little bubble of joy...but it seemed to have popped. Things were getting tense and they had started to irritate each other. Jughead was always coming in late and his plates and bowls were left everywhere for Betty to clean up. Betty was always leaving early which woke up Jughead and she kept using his laptop when he really needed it for his writing. The place was a mess due to neither of them hovering or decluttering anything. They barely cuddled at night anymore, never ate breakfast together and certainly didn't cook meals for each other or spend the evenings with each other. Simply because they were never home at the same time.

"Can you not leave your dishes lying around! I'm not a housemaid!" Betty shouted, halfway through their latest argument.

"I've been at work all day! I'm not coming home to clean up your clutter!" he argued back, pointing to her pile of notes and pencil case contents spread out on the table. 

"So have I! You're not the only one who works their ass off! The least you could do is pick us up some food or something!" I scoffed.

"Why is it always my fault? My responsibility? I'm sick of being blamed. You know what if you don't like how I live my life then just leave" he scoffed, throwing his hands in the air. He really didn't care in that moment.

"Fine I will!" she finished and stormed out, slamming the door. The girl ran down the patio steps but paused not knowing what to do or where to go. Only just processing that she'd just screamed at her boyfriend.

Meanwhile Jughead shuffled around the kitchen trying to find something to cook for his dinner. Betty's notes caught his eye and he walked over to flick through. He smiled at how much work she'd put into her article. He could just imagine her tapping her pen on the table as she annotated her work, editing as much as she could without a laptop. His smile dropped, finally processing that he'd basically just shoved her out in the dark and the rain with nowhere to go. What kind of boyfriend does that? He pulled out his phone and opened her contact.

Me: Baby, please come home. I need to know your safe

30 minutes later and she hadn't seen it or replied.   

Me: Betts at least let me know your safe

1 hour later and still nothing. He rang a few times but there was no answer. 

Me: Betty? You're worrying me. I'm so sorry, please just call me

He sent message after message until he realised she wasn't going to answer. He just had to hope she was safe. He layed in bed with his eyes wide open, scared for his girlfriend. There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight. Whilst the rain hammered onto the streets Jughead read his book when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped out of bed in just his pyjama pants and rushed to the door. He threw it open to be met with his girlfriend shivering and soaked.

"Betts!" he breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her tightly, bringing her into the warmth. 

"I am so so sorry" he apologised, hearing her soft cries. He pulled away and saw her body shaking. His warm hand grazed her ice cold cheek.

"Betts you're freezing! Where did you go?" he asked worriedly, taking her to the bedroom to find some clothes.

"I...I didn't know where to go. I just walked around the streets" she mumbled.

"Do you want to have a shower?" he asked, trying to keep the wave guilt at bay. She nodded so he got her a towel and she left the room instantly. Jughead grabbed his hoodie and a pair of her pyjama bottoms and placed them next to the shower for her. 

Bettys POV

I got out of the shower feeling much better, even more so when I saw the hoodie and pyjama bottoms on the floor. I put the soft hoodie on, my nose immediately filled with his scent before putting on my bottoms and brushing out my wet hair. I opened the bathroom door and walked into our bedroom, Jughead curled up on the bed facing away from me. I climbed onto the bed, assuming he would role over and cuddle me but he didn't even move a muscle. 

"Jug...look at me" I spoke softly, knowing he was upset. He turned around with red rimmed eyes and a frown on his face.

"Oh Jug" I sighed and hugged him tightly, his face buried into my neck. It took him a while to calm down but once he did I sat up and let him rest his head on my lap whilst I ran my hand through his hair.

"I feel so guilty Betts. I asked you to move in so we could be closer but I feel like we've just drifted. I basically kicked you out"

"Hey it's as much my fault as yours. We've both been neglecting our relationship recently. Why are you at work so late Jug?" I asked, realising I never stopped to ask.

"I just don't want to miss these deadlines. Working at my office keeps me concentrated and at least then I'm ahead. I'm a few chapters along than I should be but I've hit huge writers block" he sighed.

"Jug you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Just slow down and take a break okay? As for me, I'm so sorry for never being around in the mornings. I know we used to spend that time together but will work things out. I love you and I loved moving in for the first few weeks but we've got stuff to sort through" I noted. 

"I love you too. I wanna make it work" he responded. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and a few minutes later he fell asleep. I carefully lifted his head off my lap and tried to climb out of bed but he seemed to have woken up as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me flush against his body, making me giggle.

"Jug, we can't go to sleep yet. I've got some notes to finish" I giggled.

"Baby, I flicked through them and you've already done more than enough" he assured but I still tried to escape his grasp, being the perfectionist I am I wanted to check it again. His hands tickled my sides making me shriek in laughter, easily stopping me from leaving the bed.

"Okay! Okay! I'll stay here" I giggled, the grin on his face widening before he tightened his arms around me. 

"I've missed this" he mumbled, placing a kiss on my nose. 

"Me too" I smiled, pecking his lips. 

We spent the next few days organising our schedules to fit around each other so that we took it into turns to cook and made sure we could cuddle every single morning, needing that time together. We went back to normal, cuddling kissing and overall just the feeling of happiness filling the house. 

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