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I sat in Pop's my fingers tapping the table.

He was 20 minutes late.

30 minutes.

40 minutes.

1 hour.

Surely he was just held up right? He wasn't replying to my messages but maybe he didn't have his phone on him?

1 hour and a half

2 hours.

I gave up. This is the 3rd time this week that he's ditched me. I sighed and walked home stripping off my tight purple dress that I had worn especially and got into a t-shirt and some leggings. I curled up under my duvet and scrolled through my phone as tears started to roll down my face. Fangs had posted an Instagram story 5 minutes ago of him Sweetpea and...Jughead hanging out. Wow, he blew me off for the serpents once again. I threw my phone on the floor and buried my face in the duvet as I sobbed. There was a light knock on the door and it opened. I sat up and saw my mum with her head through the door.

"Betty? Darling what's wrong?" She asked rushing over to me. I sat up, still under the duvet, as she sat on the side of my bed next to me.

"It's Jug. This is the third time he's ditched me this week and for the past 2 months he's been ditching me. He could've at least messaged me. Fangs just posted a story of them hanging out so clearly he had other plans."

"Oh darling" she spoke.

"He promised me nothing would change but it has. He's forgotten about me" I sobbed.

"Honey, come here" she spoke. I fell into my mum's arms and felt safe in them.

"It's okay. You're okay sweetie" she spoke kissing my head.

"Why don't you talk to him. Cause if you don't I'll have to have words with him" she spoke making me giggle.

"There's that smile we all love. Now how about you invite Veronica over for a girls night? I'll order you some pizzas and you can have the place to yourself. Me and your dad are off to a conference and I don't want you to be alone" she spoke pushing my hair back. I nodded and hugged her again.

Veronica agreed to come over and was at mine in a matter of minutes.

"Oh B" she spoke hugging me as I explained the situation.

My mum and dad hugged and kissed me goodbye before leaving. We sat on the couch eating our pizza when my emotions turned from sad to angry. I pulled my phone out and messaged him.

Betty❤️: Wow Jughead. Nice going. 3rd time this week and I waited for two hours this time. Maybe message me instead of me finding out from an Instagram post?

Jughead🤓: Shit Betty I completely forgot. Please let me make it up to you.

Betty❤️: Maybe we could go on another date? Oh wait... You'll probably forget again🙄

Jughead🤓:Please Betts

Betty❤️: Bye

I messaged and blocked him. Veronica high-fived me and we watched the notebook.

Jugheads POV

The pit of guilt in my stomach grew as I read the messages.

"Guys I have to go. I completely forgot about my date with Betty"

"Sure thing bro. See you soon" Fangs said and Sweetpea nodded before I climbed onto my motorbike and drove off to Betty's house in any chance of fixing things.

Veronicas POV

Betty went to go take a shower so I cleaned up the living room when the doorbell rang. I opened it to Jughead and rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"Please Veronica. Just let me speak to her."

"First of all she's taking a shower. Second of all she doesn't want to see you" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Just let me in"

"Not gonna happen Jones" I said sternly.

"V, let him in" I heard a quiet voice.

Jugheads POV

"V, let him in" I heard. Veronica whipped her head round and Betty stepped forward. God she looked cute. Her wet hair was messy and she was wearing pj shorts and a small crop top with one of my hoodies over the top. It was too long for her so it draped off her arms. She tugged a strand of her soft hair behind her ear which melted my heart. She was adorable and I loved her to pieces.

"Fine. Jones you have 10 minutes." Veronica spoke before stepping closer to me.

"And if you do anything else to hurt her I'll punch your face in" she spoke seriously before opening the door further and walking upstairs.

"I'll be in your room B" she spoke. I walked into the house and Betty stood infront of me looking down at her feet.

"Betts..." I spoke not knowing how to start.

"What Jughead? What could you possibly say to fix this? You promised! You promised me that nothing would change! But the past few months have been so different! You constantly cancel on me and even worse you just ditch me and forget about me without even calling. It hurts so much Jug. Every time you do it my heart breaks a little more and I don't think I can't take any more pain. I know I can't." She spoke.

"Betty I'm so so sorry. I'm so fucking ashamed of myself, I know I've been the crappiest boyfriend these past few months but I swear I'll make it up to you" I begged.

She scoffed and shook her head. "You rehearse that on the way here or something?" She laughed. But it wasn't a happy laugh, it was broken and painful.

"No, Betts please.."

"Get out" she said coldly.


"I said GET OUT" she shouted. Veronica ran downstairs at the loud voice and shoved me out of the door.

"You heard her. Out" Veronica spoke and I left straight away.

A/N ouch. Part two? xx

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