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A/N requested by marialouisa_x

Thank you for the idea! Hope you all enjoy! Leave any requests in the comments below xx

3rd person

Betty and Jughead. Serpent King and Queen. They were messy, complicated but overall they somehow made it work. They were the cutest, most secure couple of Riverdale. Neither of them had eyes for anybody else, their eyes would find each others in a room full of people. They were the dream some form of messed up way.

Jugheads' POV

Betty and I were cuddled up on the couch in the break room, her head on my chest whilst she drew circles on the palm of my hand.

"Morning lovebirds!" Toni cheered and dumped herself onto Cheryls' lap. Betty had gotten them together a few months ago and I'm happy my best friend has found someone to love...even if that particular someone gets on my nerves.

"Have you guys heard about the new girl?" Fangs asked as he walked in, sitting next to us. He's always the one third wheeling, we mock him for it but I do feel bad for the guy.

"No! New girl? What's she like?" Sweetpea asked.

"Oh of course you're interested Sweets. Not every girl wants to sleep with you" Betty sighed. I chuckled and pecked her cheek. 

"I haven't met her but Ethel said she's from New York and is pretty rich" Fangs continued.

"2 words. Snobby bitch" I finally joined the conversation.

"Juggie, you always judge to soon! She could be really nice for all we know" Betty complained. I rolled my eyes, yeah right. Rich means snob in Riverdale. Northsiders are rich and they look down on people like us. Being at Riverdale High is tough for us Southsiders. Especially for Betty, shes an ex Northsider since she moved to the Southside with her mum. Don't get me wrong, some Northsiders are great. Cheryl and Kevin are major parts of our group and they are Northsiders. It really depends what their parents told them, whether to despise us or be civil. Cheryl is an acception, she just never listened to her cruel mother.

Before I could reply I heard a pair of heels behind us. I turned my head and saw a raven haired girl with a dark purple dress walk in. I'm guessing she's the new girl by the real looking pearls hung around her neck. Betty got up out of my lap, lowering my mood instantly.

Bettys' POV

"Hi! You must be the new girl! I'm Betty" I greeted, wanting to make her feel welcome.

"Yep, that's me. Veronica Lodge" she replied sweetly.

"Come sit with us!" I offered. She accepted and sat down next to Fangs whilst I cuddled up to Jughead again.

"Be nice" I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder. Everyone was introducing themselves and asking about New York but for some reason her eyes stayed on me and Jughead. She seemed really sweet but it was a little weird. Her eyes only left us to answer questions, but even then her answers became blunt by the end. The bell rang for class and we all stood up. Cheryl and Toni walked off to class first whilst I checked Veronicas' timetable. She had Maths with me and Kevin next.

"See you later gorgeous" Jughead spoke softly pulling me in by the waist. I pressed a kiss to his lips before he deepened it.

"Get a room!" Kevin ordered but awed at us whilst Veronica looked away. I giggled and pecked his cheek before he went off to class.

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