So wrong

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"Jughead?! What are you doing!" Betty screeches when she reaches the bunker. She sees her boyfriend rolling the dice, along with Cheryl, Toni, Fangs and Sweetpea. What was going on?

"Betty, you're interrupting" he complains, not even looking up from the game board.

"I don't care! Why are you playing G&G?!" she shouts.

"So what if he is?" Cheryl asks. Cheryl had been sucked into this world too?

"Cheryl, are you kidding me? This game killed people! People that we know, that we've known our whole lives!"

"TT, we aren't listening to this. Come on" Cheryl explains and drags Toni- who gives me an apologetic look- out of the room. Fangs and Sweetpea hastily follow afterwards, leaving me and Jughead stood there.

"You are unbelievable! Here I am, trying to get our best friend out of Juvie, stop G&G from spreading and preventing more board game related suicides! And you're sat in here playing the very game that's causing all of the mayhem in this town!" I blurt out.

"Betty if I reach the next level I can meet him! I can meet the gargoyle king and figure out what is going on!"

"Oh so it's research is it? Then why the hell are you making these 'real life' quests? Roping in our friends, who actually are taken over by it? Why are you willing to take the risk of being brainwashed by this...this thing?" I argue back.

"It's going to work! Why do you have to get in the way?"

"I'm in the way am I? Is that what you call it? Because I call it trying to save my boyfriend from 'ascending' cause it's basically suicide!" I shout. He looks taken back but right now I'm to angry to care, I turn on my heel and walk away. I climb up the ladder and walk through the woods before sitting against a tree stump. Everything is so wrong. So so wrong. I don't know how to fix it. I can't fix it. The panic starts to rise through my whole body and I begin to feel sick so I stand back up and walk home.

"Honey! The farm is-" my mum starts but I can't listen to her cult nonsense right now. I just run up the stairs and slam my door before sliding down it. The one constant in my life has gone. What do I do now?

Toni's POV

"I'll have any drink" Jughead said chucking a few dollar bills on the counter before taking a seat at the bar.

"Add a please and thank you and you'll get one" I replied back, not taking his attitude.

"Toni I'm not in the mood"

"Why's that? Your girlfriend angry? I'm not surprised" I sighed.

"You played too! Don't start judging me"

"I played to make sure my girlfriend didn't do anything stupid! She's gone of the rails! She found out you were organising a game and practically dragged me there!" I explained.

"I feel like shit" he groaned.

"Jug, just go and talk things out with her. Betty's only angry because she's scared you're going to get hurt. Just like I am with Cheryl. Why are you playing it anyway?" I questioned.

"I wanted to see what actually happened throughout the game. I wanted to know the point where these people are getting sucked in. Then I found out I could meet him and my plan was to unmask him so now I've been constantly playing it. I was being reckless, trying to fix something that I just can't fix" he explained, rubbing the palm of his hand over his tired face.

"Go speak to her Jug. It's your only chance" I convinced. He nodded and walked out of the bar, leaving the dollar bills behind. I took them and put them in the cash register, I mean I didn't get him a drink but I may have possibly saved his relationship. I think I earned that cash, if I do say so myself.

Jughead's POV

I knocked frantically on the door of the Cooper's house. It was finally opened by Alice Cooper.


"Mrs Cooper I need to see Betty" I confronted.

"Well I'm busy with a farm meeting-" she tried to excuse but I just pushed past and rushed up the stairs before she could stop me. I knocked lightly on the door and heard sniffling.

"Who is it?" her voice came out squeaky and monotone.

"It's Jughead" I spoke in return.

"Just go away, please" she pleaded.

"I just want to talk" I begged.

"I'm not leaving until you open this door" I added.

"Then I guess your gonna be here a long time" she replied. The voice came so close that I could tell she was sat against the door. So I did the same. I leant my head back and sighed.

"I sometimes wonder what we did to deserve this. Like what bad thing did I do that turned our lives upside down? There has to be something" I revealed after a while.

"I don't know, when we were little you and Archie stole my favourite pair of shoes and chucked them in the tree so I couldn't reach them. That was pretty bad" she joked.

"The joke was on us. Your mum made is go and collect them" I chuckled softly.

"Seriously Betty, I don't know where it all went wrong. One minute we were innocent little kids playing in the park and the next we are losing everyone we love by death" I speak truthfully.

"Riverdale was never innocent. Our parents just didn't want us to learn the truth. The truth that Riverdale has never been and will never be the town with 'pep'" she sniffed.

"I guess that's the tough truth. Just like the fact that I'm a complete an utter idiot" I started.

"I won't argue with that just yet" she replied making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry Betty. I just wanted to stop all of this, I thought if I could figure out at what point it brainwashes people then maybe I could prevent it. When I was told I could meet the gargoyle king if I kept going, I saw it as an opportunity to identify him. I never played it for fun, I swear. I didn't want to tell you because I was worried you'd want to join me and that would risk you getting sucked into it all" I finally admitted. I heard a small sigh but that was all. I dropped my head and stood up, ready to walk away and give her the space she probably wanted.

The door squeaked open and she ran into my arms. At first I was startled but I instantly wrapped my arms around her body and melted into it. Pressing kisses against her hair, I held one hand around her waist and one on her hair.

"I love you" I spoke as I kissed her hair.

"I love you too. I'm just happy you're safe" she replied.

"We're both safe. We've got eachother"

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