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A/N  suggested by VictoriaFernandes497

"You have to tell him B" Veronica spoke rubbing my back.

"I C....I can't! He'll hate me" I sobbed.

"You know that's not true, but you can't keep this from him" she spoke.

"We're meant to be getting married in two weeks, what if this messes it up?" I asked.

"It won't. You can stay with me tonight if you need to" I spoke.

"I wish I could. But Jug will suspect somethings up"

"Okay well call me if you need me okay?" She spoke.


Jughead's POV

"Hey Betts, how was Veronica?" I asked as she walked through the door.

"G...good" she said quietly.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah just tired" she spoke dropping her bags. I moved to the back of the couch and held my arms out which she happily climbed into. I held her close and stroked her hair.

"Two weeks until your Mrs Jones" I spoke excitedly.

"I can't wait" she spoke sweetly, but not as excited as she usually is about it. I brushed it off and she went to get a drink. I heard light sobs and stood up walking over to the kitchen where she was sat on the counter curled up.

"Betts? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. She looked at me and swivelled round so her legs were hung of the counter. I stood between them and cupped her face.

"Baby, please talk to me" I spoke. She took my hands off her face and held them tightly.

"I got a confirmation this morning" she started.

"For what?" I asked rubbing the palms of her hands with my mum.

"I..I was late and thought I was pregnant" she sobbed. My eyes widened and she looked me in the eyes.

"I...I can't have kids Jug"

Betty's POV

I was expecting some sort of resentment but he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me off the counter as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took me over to the couch.

1 hour later

"I'm sorry Jug" I said sitting opposite him on the couch.

"Hey, don't say that."

"It's just so hard. At our wedding there's gonna be toasts about how we will end up with kids and I'm going to have to sit there knowing that it will never happen" I sobbed.

"Betty, we have options. There's adoption and surrogates."

"I've ruined the best day of our lives"

"No you haven't. I still want to marry you as much as I did before, do you?" he asked hesitantly.

"Of course I do" I sobbed.

"Well then nothing has to change. I will always love you Betty, we can still have kids" he spoke. I nodded and fell into his arms.

"I love you" he spoke.

"I love you too"

Day of the wedding

"We're meeting with an adoption agency when we get back from our honeymoon. We really want to start a family" I stated to Veronica and Cheryl.

"I'm so happy for you B. See! I told you Jughead wouldn't turn on you" she spoke making me smile.

"Right let's get readyyyy!!!" Cheryl spoke.

Okay so I couldn't have kids. It was a huge thing that I've always wanted but it's going to be fine. I can still have kids, make children's lives better. I will love them till the day I die and cherish them forever and I know Jughead will too. We will have a family, no matter what it takes.

A/N sorry I haven't been active! I've just spent the past few days focusing on my life and school and it's been the best. I feel good enough to start writing again as I haven't written in a few weeks and just uploaded ones I had already wrote. Leave some suggestions ❤️❤️
Credit to PLL for this as it was my inspiration from Aria and Ezra's scene (Love the show 💗💗)

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