"Sorry Snakes" Pt2

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Betty's POV

I heard Malachi's voice and then the phone cut off.

"What the hell!" Veronica shouted as it was on speaker.

"Where are they?!" I panicked. Jughead was in danger, the father of my little girl. I couldn't lose him...I can't lose anyone else.

"Try and call Jughead" we spent twenty minutes just repeatedly calling him before he finally picked up.

Jughead's POV

Once everyone was tied up it went silent. This meant that Malachi could hear my phone buzzing.

"Who's that?" he asked me.

"I don't know" I coughed up more blood. My breathing was slowing and I was getting dangerously weaker as the minutes passed by. He grabbed it out of my pocket.

"Ah it's the queen!"

"Elizabeth!" he smirked, putting her on speaker.

"Malachi? Where the fuck is my husband?!" she shouted.

"On the bar floor. Why don't you come on over?" he smirked and ended the call.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her if I came!" I shouted.

"I never promised though" he laughed, throwing my phone.

Betty's POV

I wasn't stupid, I knew he would trap me. I decided to bring back up. Earlier this year we had gotten in contact with ex ghoulies, they hated Malachi and would do anything to stop him, which of course was perfect for us serpents. I called each of them up and they agreed to help us.

"Okay, me and Veronica will go in as decoys. You all sneak around the back, there is an entrance with a code which I've messaged to all of you. Once you're in, use the weapons you're equipped with to knock out guards. Then we will act" I explained a few minutes away from the bar. Everyone nodded so me and Veronica made our way to the Whyte Wrym.

"Malachi! Open up!" I shouted. The door swung open and my eyes widened. All of my serpents were tied up, beaten and bruised.

"Oh my god" Veronica whispered. We cautiously stepped through the door and I gasped at the next sight. Jughead was tied to a bar stool, the rope had made his wrists raw and red. His clothes were ripped and I could see the bruises and cuts. The worst part is he had blood all over his chest from where he was coughing it out.

"Juggie!" I shouted and his head whipped around. I wasn't meant to cause a reaction but I couldn't help it in the moment.

"Betts" he wheezed.

"Let him go Malachi!" I shouted.

"Really? You think I'm just going to listen to you? Nope, Ghoulies start now" he smirked. Suddenly, gang members started pouring gasoline over the whole place.

"Stop! Please! I'll do anything!" this was not going to plan.

"Too late for that blondie. It's over for your little gang" he smirked. Tears started to pour out of my eyes and I became enraged with an anger I couldn't explain. My fist collided with Malachi's jaw and my knee whacked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned in agony and fell to his knees.

"You made the wrong decision" I gritted my teeth and kicked him straight in the nose.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET HER!" he screamed. At this point all of the ex ghoulies came rushing in and began to take down each gang member.

"Not much power now huh?" I laughed and let Veronica kick the guy as much as she wanted whilst I ran to Jughead.

"Juggie, oh my god. I'm going to get you out of here" I promised. I helped untie everyone else and they all rushed out. Me and FP were picking Jughead up when we realised there was one ghoulie left standing. He lit the match and it fell to the floor, setting it on fire.

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