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A/N requested by sprousediits

Betty❤️: Hey Jug, I can't make it to our date. Not feeling well x

Jughead: That's fine, do you want me to come over?

Betty❤️: No I'll be fine. See you at school tomorrow x

Jughead: See you x

I put my phone on the bedside table before climbing back into bed. I threw my hair up into a messy bun to get it out of my sweaty face. I started watching Netflix when I started to feel really sick. I brushed it off for a few minutes before I layed down properly falling into a light sleep.

1 hour later

I woke up and before I could make it to the bathroom I threw up all over my bed. I started to cry from the shock of waking up to feeling like that. I got out of bed and sat against the wall before pressing his contact.

"Hey baby, you okay?" he spoke through the phone.

"Jug, can you come over?" I sniffed.

"Of course. Are you crying? What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"I went to sleep but woke up and just threw up on my bed" I sobbed.

"Okay don't worry, I'll be over in 5. Love you" he spoke, hanging up before I could respond.

Jughead's POV

I let myself in and walked upstairs into Betty's room.

"Betts..." I sighed seeing her curled up in the corner.

"Go take a shower. I'll sort the sheets out" I assured rubbing her shoulder.

"My mum's gonna kill me. I can't miss a day of school, especially not tomorrow when we have a science presentation" she sobbed.

"You're not going to school baby. Alice Cooper will have to fight me if she thinks she has any chance of sending you in" I spoke. She nodded and went to take a shower as I took her sheets and duvet off of the bed. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Come in" she called. The shower curtain was pulled across so I went to the other side of the room and put the sheets in the bath, turning on the taps to soak them. I then went downstairs to get her a glass of water.

Betty's POV

I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth to get rid of the sick taste in my mouth. I then got changed into my pajama shorts and one of Jughead's t-shirts that he had left here last time. I walked downstairs to see him setting up the couch with blankets and cushions.

"Hey...Jug" I spoke making him look up and smile.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, the shower helped" I spoke as he helped me onto the couch and under the blankets.

"Right you stay here and I'm going to do the huge chore list your mum left you. I'm sure you don't want her shouting at you when you're ill" he spoke. I nodded sleepily in response, too tired to say anything. He chuckled and pressed his lips against my hot forehead before going to the kitchen.

I was woken up by two muffled voices in the kitchen.

"Jug" I called out causing him to pause his conversation and come into the lounge.


"It's cold" I groaned.

"Baby you're burning up. How are you cold?" he asked placing his hand on my forehead. I groaned and rolled over.

"Who was here?" I asked changing the subject.

"Archie. He came to check on you" he spoke. I nodded and yawned.

"I think we should take you to the doctor's" he spoke making me shoot up.

"No, no. Please don't"


"I hate them. They're scary! With the long needles they prod you with and the weird machines they put on you" I babbled on shivering.

"I need to make sure you're okay. For me?" he pleaded. I sighed and nodded.

"Fine but if they even put a needle near me I'm leaving" I spoke making him chuckle but agree to my nonsense.

"Okay Betty, you have a fever. So you need to stay off of school and rest as much as possible. Try not to be to active and get a lot of sleep" the doctor spoke. I nodded and after he prescribed me with some medicine me and Jughead left hand in hand.

"I'm still pissed at you" I spoke.

"Why?" he asked.

"You made me go to the doctor's. It's full of sick people" I complained.

"I'm sorry for wanting you to get better" he said sarcastically.

"Hmmm... I'll think about forgiving you" I spoke before giggling. He shook his head and pressed his lips against my forehead.

"You'll get ill!" I exclaimed pulling away.

"Then we'll be ill together" he spoke making me face palm.

"That was too cheesy Jones. I'm ashamed" I sighed. He laughed and pecked my lips.

"I told you you'll get ill!"

"And I told you I don't care!" he mimicked.

A/N give any requests down below.❤️

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