Break in

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Betty woke up that night to a crash coming from downstairs. She looked over and saw that her husband was still asleep. 

"Juggie" she whispered, shaking him lightly.

"mhm" he groaned rolling over.

"Juggie I heard something from downstairs" I spoke.

"Betts it was probably nothing. Go back to bed" he sighed, his face still in the pillow.

"Please Jug, I won't be able to sleep" I begged. He sighed loudly but sat up.

"Okay, I'll go check" he informed before getting out of bed. He was about to leave when there was another crash and his creaking study door opened. I jumped back and my breathing hitched. His head whipped back to me and he quickly rushed over.

"Betts, listen to me. I'll go get Juliet okay? You stay in here with her and call my dad. Get him to come here straight away" Jughead ordered, knowing his dad was on duty. In seconds Jughead came back with Juliet half asleep on his shoulder. He handed her over to Betty and passed his phone over.

"Honey I'm gonna go check it out okay? It could still be nothing" he promised and left before she could protest. Betty dialed in FPs contact whilst shushing her awaking daughter.

"Betty?" the man questioned.

"FP, someone's in the house- well I think so and Jugs gone to see. He told me to get you here" I explained quickly.

"Okay darling, i'm on my way. Is Juliet with you?" he asked, worrying for his granddaughter.

"Yeah, we are in our bedroom" I explained.

"Okay, I'm on my way with one of my guys now Betty. Stay on call. What happened?" he asked.

"I woke up to a crash and then we could hear Jugheads study door opening cause its so creaky along with another-" before I could finish a thud echoed through the house. I jumped and Juliet started to get agitated.

"Its okay Jules, its okay" I soothed and patted her back.

"Betty? You still there? What was that sound?" FP questioned.

"I dont...I dont know. Im scared FP" I started to panic.

"Betty, I need you to stay calm okay? I know that's difficult but the more you panic the more Juliet will" he spoke. A smash of what sounded like glass echoed through the house.

"No no. This can't be happening" I cried.

"Betty, darling I need you to hide somewhere" he informed. I nodded, although he couldn't see me and got into the closet, Juliet with me who was getting more uncomfortable by the second.

"Okay Betty were outside and about to go in. Stay there until we come get you yeah?" he instructed. The call ended and I did everything I could to keep Juliet quiet.

"Ssshh Jules, you can go back to sleep soon honey. I'm sorry" I whispered as she buried her face into my neck, clinging onto my shirt with her tiny hands.  

Jugheads POV

I edged down the stairs quietly and made my way quickly into the room opposite my study. I could see a figure in there flipping through papers. I grabbed the fireplae tool and crepped up behind him. Once a got a decent distance away I hit him round the head, knocking him out with a thud. I was about to pick his body up but a smash of glass reverberated through the house. I rushed into the kitchen to find the window completely smashed and a figure stood with a smirk on his face.

"Malachai" I growled.

"Did my ghoulie freak you? How is poor Cooper?" he smirked.

"What the hell do you want?" I shouted.

"One of your serpents has been medelling around my territory. I thought Id cause a bit of havoc" he explained.

"And what? You thought you could waltz in here and I would surrender?" I almost laughed.

"Shut it Jones. You and your snakey father think youre so much better than us. You watch where you tred" he snarked.

"Listen here, stay away from my family and I wont come near your scums. Got it?" I demanded.

"Well see about that" he smirked before his fist tried to collide with my face. With quick reflexes I managed to dodge before punching him in the stomach causing him to fall to his knees. I crouched down, leveling with me.

"Dont you dare come near this house again. Otherwise it wont just be one serpent sneaking round your base. It will be all of us" I confirmed. The door swung open and my dad plus another cop rushed in.

"Jughead? What the hell happened?" 

"Malachai and one of his ghoulies broke in" I sighed, getting fed up of their constant interference. 

"Theres a guy knocked out in my office as well" I announced. He nodded before him and his partner went to get the guy. I rushed up the stairs calling for Betty to make sure she was okay.

"Betts? Betts you can come out now" I called out, hearing a few sniffles from the closet. I opened it slowly to find her sat on the floor with Juliet in her arms, rocking her.

"Jug!" she breathed out as I crouched down and hugged her tightly.

"Everything's okay baby. Dad's taking them both to the police station. They'll be locked up in cells I promise" I soothed, rubbing her arms.

"No it's not! What's to stop more of them! Jug I don't feel safe in my own home!" she fought back. She was getting stressed and it started to make Juliet agitated. Our baby burst into tears and Betty clearly wanted to do the same so I took Juliet into my arms and out of the room, rocking her calmly.

"Sshhh Jules, everything's okay. You're safe, you're safe" I repeated. Her little hands clung onto my finger like always and she tried to bite it, making me chuckle.

"Jug, we've got them in the car. I'm gonna take them to the station. Do you need anything?" my dad asked, entering the room.

"No I don't think so. Thanks dad" I smiled. He nodded and pressed a kiss to his granddaughters head before rushing off.

"Come on Jules, you need some sleep" I cooed and set her down in her crib. I put on the night light and turned on the baby monitor before going back to Betty. She was still in the same place, shaking crying. I lifted her onto my lap as she curled up small.

"Honey, what can I do?" I sighed, scared for her.

"Just stay with me. I don't want to be alone" she croaked out. I nodded and got back into bed with her, switching the lamp off and kissing her forehead.

"Try and relax darling. I know it's hard" I whispered and pulled her closer. This would take a while to get over.

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