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Jughead's POV

"Thank you for letting me stay here" Betty spoke as we lay in bed together. Since prom night she moved back into her old home, which is now mine and we've been sleeping in her old bedroom that I kept the same.

"No problem" I smiled.

"Do we have to go back to school today?" she groaned.

"Weatherbee already closed the school for a few days for everyone to recover. We have to show up today" I chuckled.

"Fine" she sighed.

We sat downstairs eating breakfast when my dad came down and into the kitchen.

"Morning you two, is Jelly up?" he asked.

"Nope and I'm not helping you. I literally had to carry Betty downstairs since she wouldn't get out of bed" I complained making Betty giggle and peck my cheek.

"Good luck Mr Jones, she's a teenager" Betty laughed.

"It's FP to you" he reported back before rushing up the stairs.

"Come on you, we're going to be late"

"Since when did you care?" Betty asked.

"Since when did you not care?" I fought back. She rolled her eyes and picked up her bag before we made our way to school.


"Where's B?" Veronica asked.

"I saw her go into the blue and gold" Kevin noted.

"I'll go and find her" I shrugged and walked through the halls of hell.

"Hey Betts, you're missing lunch" I reminded.

"Oh uh yeah, don't worry about it. I'm going to stay in here"


"Just trying to figure out how my dad escaped" she responded making me sigh.

"Betts...come on. You need some food" I tried to persuade.

"Jughead I'm busy! I don't need to eat right now!" she lashed out.

"You barely ate dinner last night and this morning you basically just pushed your food around your plate because you were to focused on writing notes about your dad!" I bit back.

"Well I'm sorry, but you don't have a physco killer dad on the loose do you?" she shouted.


"Can you just leave please? I'll see you later" she asked. I gave up and walked out, slamming the door behind me before walking back to the cafeteria.

"Jug? Where is she?" Archie asked confused.

"She wants to be left alone" I replied bluntly. For the rest of lunch I sat in silence and everyone just let me be. It was like that for the whole day, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Yet I still waited for her at the end of the day. We always got on my motorbike and went for a drive around the town since it makes her feel free and calms her down.

"Hey Jug, what you still doing here?" Fangs asked as he walked over to me.

"Waiting for Betty"

"Uh, Betty went home halfway through last period" he responded.


"She just excused herself from class and then left the building. She probably just pretended to be ill. I can't believe Betty Cooper pulled a sicky" he laughed.

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