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A/N suggested by cerina05
Hope you all liked it!💗💗 kind of a sad one

Betty's POV

The day I've dreamed of since I was a little girl, the conversations me and Polly would have about our perfect weddings. I stepped out of the vehicle and walked up the steps. FP was stood there waiting to take me in and I smiled at him.

"B, I need one last picture of you before you're married" Veronica called. I giggled and walked over to her as she pulled out her phone. We took a few cute selfies before taking some silly ones with Kevin photo bombing a lot of them.

"Kevin you're meant to be sat down!" I laughed.

"Yeah about that. Jughead isn't here yet" he spoke.

"What? Where is he?" I panicked.

"We don't exactly know..." he mumbled.

"FP? Where's Jughead?" I asked turning to him. I held up my dress and quickly walked over to him.

"I can't get hold of him Betty. We are already 10 minutes behind and theres a christening straight after this so we can't wait much longer. Otherwise we'll be kicked out so they can have their christening" he sighed.

"Pass me your phone" I spoke calmly. He handed it over and I called Jughead. Straight to voicemail.

I walked around the corner so I could leave him a private voicemail.

"Juggie please call me back. We are going to lose our slot, where are you? Please be safe and get here soon, I love you" I sniffed before ending the call.

Jugheads POV

I can't do this.

Alice's POV

"Who's going to break the news to her?" Toni asked worriedly.

"I'm going to kill him" Veronica screeched.

"What if he's been hurt?" Kevin asked.

"Or even just stood her up?" FP said, angry at his son's actions.

"She's going to be heartbroken" Fangs sighed.

"Not to mention humiliated. All of the guests will find out" Cheryl said angrily.

"Cheryl, Toni send the guests home and apologize. Fangs, Sweetpea, Archie and Kevin go and find any traces of where Jughead could be. Veronica come with me, Betty's your best friend and I need someone to comfort her when I explain" I instructed. Everyone nodded and went their separate ways. We had told Betty to go and wait back in the car whilst we got hold of Jughead, now we have to tell her what's happened. Me and Veronica took a slow walk to the car, not wanting to even look Betty in the eye.

"Mum! V! Did you find Jug?" Betty asked hopefully. We got into the small limo and sat either side of her. I clasped her hands in mine as I looked into her beautiful eyes. My own daughter.

"Darling I'm so sorry" I whispered.

"Why? What's happened?" she asked confused.

"We can't find him. The boys have gone looking but we think...we think..."

"Think what?" she asked.

"We think we left" I mumbled. Her face fell in an instant as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"No! No he wouldn't do that to me! He loves me, he wouldn't do that. You're wrong, you're all wrong" she sobbed.

"Hold on, Fangs is calling. It could be about Jughead" Veronica spoke. I held Betty in my arms as Veronica spoke on the phone, by her facial expressions it didn't look good. She hung up and put the phone down in silence.

"All of his clothes are gone" she spoke, though barely audible. Betty sobbed harder and I held her close, burying her face into the crook of my neck. Veronica was quick to rub her back soothingly.

"He's gone. He left me, I....I thought he loved me. We..we were happy" she sobbed.

"It's okay honey, calm down" I whispered.

"No it's not okay!" she shouted jumping out of my arms.

"I was left at the altar by the guy who I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know where he is, why he left and if he's even okay. Why the fuck do I still care? I love him and...and he's gone" she sobbed and ran away.


"Leave her Veronica. She needs time" I suggested.

"This is a mess." she groaned rubbing her face.

"He's broken her, for good"

"Ronnie, Alice where is Betty?" Archie asked frantically as he opened the limo door.

"She ran off, why?"

"I got a message from Jughead" he spoke passing the phone over.

Jughead: Sorry, I can't do this. I'm going away for a while.

"Is he joking me?" Veronica scoffed.

2 days later

I held her hair back as she continued to vomit into the toilet.

"That's it honey. Let it out" I soothed rubbing her back. Once she was done she sat against the bath tub. Her eyes were raw and red, her skin pale and her hair a mess. She's broken, but I'm concerned about something else.

"Betty... You've been sick a lot recently. Maybe you should take a test?" I asked.

"For what?" she asked.

"A pregnancy test" I spoke and she shook her head at me.

"No, no I don't want to. If I'm pregnant then it's his which means it will be a constant reminder. I'm already messed up over him leaving, I don't need a reminder." she sobbed.

"Please Betty, we have some in the cabinet. Just take them, you need to know" I begged.

Betty's POV

We sat together waiting for the longest minutes of my life. What if I am pregnant? With his baby. Whether boy or girl, they will be beautiful, have his humour, appetite and loving nature. It will be a constant reminder of him. I will love her/him and tell them about their dad, their incredible dad. She/he will want to know why he's not around and I will explain, no matter how much it hurts.

"Times up sweetie" my mum spoke. I lifted the pregnancy test.


Next one


Next one


Tears started to spill as my mum engulfed me in a hug.

"It will be okay honey. You've got everyone around to help you, I promise we'll all be here. That's if you want to keep it?" she asked.

"I'm not getting rid of it, this baby was made from love. I don't know what happened to our love but it was there, I want to be a mum to her or him and tell them about their dad" I spoke calmly. She nodded and smiled.

"It will get better" she spoke and kissed my forehead.

"I love you mum" I croaked.

"I love you too sweetheart" she assured intertwining our hands.

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