Can't Sleep. I Need You.

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Anna's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to call Sarah because I keep having these dreams about Grant after I talked to Mariana yesterday about trying to get him out of my head. I knew she would be sleeping by now but this is something that I just needed to do.

I walked out of my room and down to the living room since Christian was with his family in Cali.

Anna heard the ringing on the other end and then Sarah picked up with a groggy voice.

Me: Hey Anna. Is everything okay?

Anna: Hey Sarah. I keep having these dreams about Grant.

Me: What are they about?

Anna: Just intimate dreams.

Me: Really?

Anna: Mhm. It is so weird Sarah. I shouldn't be having these dreams but I am and it is beginning to make me crazy. Does this mean that I should go see him?

Me: I think you should Anna. Maybe you need a vacation with him since he is on leave at the moment.

Anna: How do you know he is on leave?

Me: He texted me. He told me or actually he asked me how you were I told him you were living with Christian in his cousin's place.

Anna: Can you text him and tell him to come and see me?

As Anna heard Sarah typing on the other end she was waiting to see what Sarah would say.

Grant texted Sarah back in seconds.

Me: He said he wants you to go see him now. He has his older brother over but that he wouldn't mind if you came to see him.

Anna: I am going to head over there now. Tell him I'm on my way.

As Anna got off the phone with Sarah after she told her good luck Sarah knew that Anna was going to be okay talking to Grant alone.

Anna's POV:

Talking to him with his older brother in the house was going to be nerve-wrecking but she knew she had to do this.

Anna knocked on the door after texting Grant telling him she was outside. He came to the door minutes later with one of his baseball shirts on and his boxers.

Grant: Come in babe.

Anna: Thanks hun.

Anna walked upstairs with him and they sat on the bed together.

Grant: Are you okay?

Anna: I kept having these sexual dreams about you.

Grant: Damn. I'm sorry Anna.

Anna: Grant no I'm sorry because I felt disgusting going between you and Cameron.

Grant: Anna we can't control what the heart makes us do but what we can do is make sure that when someone needs help we need to help them.

Anna: I understand love. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I feel like this is going to help me.

Anna leaned in to kiss him and he kissed her back.

Grant: Did you want to do that?

Anna: I did.

Grant: Why?

Anna: Grant, I love you.

Grant: I know you love me but I was so fucking stubborn with all this shit going on that I didn't know if I could believe you but now that you have my undivided attention I know you aren't lying.

"Memories on the Ballfield"(Sequel to Earning His Love)Where stories live. Discover now