New Jersey. Williamsport. Calls and Unexpected Mound Visits.

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Cody flew in from Cali with his things that he wanted to take with him to Pennsylvania and I pretty much packed up all my stuff from Aaron's place and left the stuff I didn't need till we came back from the off season going back to California. There was a lot of the baby stuff moving also but with the help of our parents and the divorce papers being done things were beginning to settle down. The boys were now two yes they were two since time went by fast. They were walking and talking but they didn't know what was going on yet. Cody put me on the custody list instead of Sabrina because he knew Sabrina wouldn't be able to do anything without him so she could only see Corey once in awhile. I put Cody on the list for Conner since Aaron would only see him once in awhile. Cody pretty much didn't want to bother with anyone in the off season since he had the boys and I to worry about. His parents and my parents would check in.

We were now at my parents and they were happy that their grandson was going to be okay with me and Cody. They loved Cody just as much as they loved the next person. As the days went on Cody and I drove with the boys in their car seats to Williamsport and we found a place close to where my parents were staying since they said they wanted to get out of Jersey and my dad loved PA as well as Clay.

Clay: Son I think you and Sarah are going to be okay together because you work really well together and I can see how calm you are now.
Cody: Thanks dad. I do feel a lot better and I'm glad Sarah is also.
Clay: You know as your parents and now Sarah's parents we can help with the boys as much as Sarah's parents can.
Cody: Thanks dad. We want to spend the day with the boys today since the Little League CEO wanted us to have the field today.
Clay: Thanks to me for making some phone calls.
Cody: Yeah thanks dad.

The next day since yesterday we spent the day with the boys and they were getting used to us being around them they knew who was going to be there for them and who wasn't anymore.

Conner looked up at me and smiled and I know how much he got attached to Cody and Corey was just as smart and handsome as his daddy.

Cody: Sarah this is what we wanted and yes I know both of us just got divorced but I wanted to know if you wanted to spend the day with me.
Me: Yeah of course.

Our parents took the boys since we were going to have them for the rest of the week and Cody and I went down to the little league complex.

Cody: You know the last time I came here I was a little twelve year old kid.
Me: Yep. I know. I was thirteen sitting at home after I finished my Little League game.
Cody: The memories are here at this place Sarah. Even if most of my career was between LA and NY I knew I wanted you with me.
Me: I know Code.

As Cody and I went to the mound this was our usual spot on this baseball field since it was childhood for some of us

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As Cody and I went to the mound this was our usual spot on this baseball field since it was childhood for some of us. I looked around and remembered a lot about this place and I'm sure Cody did also.

Cody: Sarah kiss me.
Me: Okay.

Cody: Wow

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Cody: Wow. I haven't felt that in a long time.
Me: I know. 🥰
Cody: Maybe we needed something more than we thought.
Me: Mhm. Maybe we did.

When I pulled away I placed my head on his shoulder then we heard feet come from behind and tap us both. We looked up and I thought I would have to never see this guy again.


Me: Charles?
Charles: Hi Sarah.
Me: What are you doing here?
Charles: Well I live in Williamsport with my two kids and my wife.
Me: Let me guess Samantha.
Charles: No actually her name is Jessica.
Me: Oh okay.
Charles: Yeah. I just saw you two over here and I thought I would come by and say hi.
Me: Well hi. This is my boyfriend Cody.
Charles: Holy crap your Bellinger!
Cody: Nice to meet you man.
Charles: You too. Really big fan. I love how you give back to the baseball community it means a lot.
Cody: Thanks man.
Charles: Well see you guys around I guess. I don't want to interrupt anything else. Bye.
Me: Bye.

As Charles walked away I was just odded out that we haven't talked in years and now he wants to come back and say something.

Cody: You know him?
Me: Yep. Little League. We were on the same baseball team. Then we went to high school together. Let's just say he's another Sabrina and Aaron.
Cody: I can see. 😂 You really wanted nothing to do with him.
Me: No I don't because I would have had something with him but he ruined it with his stupid bitches and I was not waiting for his useless shit anymore. He said he changed and nothing about him did. Like not even his dick size changed. -.-
Cody: Holy shit Sarah. You are funny. 😂😂
Me: Haha I'm being serious. 😂
Cody: If Kike heard you say that he would die.
Me: I know. We should FaceTime him and Mariana.
Cody: Yeah we should.

Before we went back to check on everyone with the kids we wanted to check in on the West Coast.

Kike's number rang a couple of times.

Until he picked up the FaceTime.

Cody: Hey bro.
Kike: Hey dude. How's Williamsport?
Cody: Good! It is beautiful dude look.
Kike: Wow. Do you mind if Mariana and I come?
Cody: No we rented the Little League house for everyone so all is welcome.
Kike: Thanks dude. I'm sorry again. Is the divorce final with you and Sabrina?
Cody: Yep. I have Corey.
Kike: So you aren't with anyone now?
Cody: No actually I'm with Sarah. She's my girlfriend now and she brought Conner with her.
Kike: I knew it bro! See I told Mariana you guys would go back together.
Kike: Mariana! Come here mi amor!
Mariana: Coming baby!

She ran down the stairs and over to Kike putting her arms around him.

Mariana: Hey you two! How is everything and do you guys need anything before we come?
Me: Nope. We are okay and I hope you guys are well.
Mariana: We are fine. There is just nothing to do in LA so we might as well come and spend the rest of the off season with you guys.
Me: Yeah come to PA. You guys can spend sometime with the boys and our families are here.
Mariana: That's nice. Okay we are going to come.
Me: See you guys in a couple of days.
Kike: Yep see you Sarita.

As we hung up with them and we knew we would see them soon we got up and walked down the road back to the house where everyone was in the living room with the boys and there was food since our parents cooked.

Jenn: Everything okay you two?
Cody: Never been better mom.
Me: Yep. :)
Cody: I love you Sarah.
Me: Love you more.

I leaned in to kiss him again and all the smiles around us were just the smiles that we haven't gotten in a long time.

Jenn: There's my son. :)
Nahla: There's my daughter. :)

We smiled at our mothers knowing what was happening with us.

"Memories on the Ballfield"(Sequel to Earning His Love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt