Anna Comes Over. Moving On?

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The next morning Aaron opened the door to see Anna there with breakfast for the three of us. He told her to come in and to sit down at the kitchen table with Sarah.

Me: Hi Anna love.

Anna: Hey.

Me: What brings you by this early?

Anna: Well um since I want to move on from all of this and from the two guys who have been after me this whole time I decided to move into a place with Christian.

Me: Yeli?

Anna: Yeah. To be honest I know I am now eighteen but I do have a right to be living on my own now.

Me: You are right and I think you should actually have Christian look out for you.

Anna: Yeah I talked to him about it and he thought it would be a good idea.

Me: Aaron and I trust him and he knows how old you are so if you are feeling anything awkward and weird let him know and we can make other arrangements.

Anna: Sounds like a plan.

Me: What made you move on from Grant and Cameron?

Anna: I do not think they were really in love with me. I think they just wanted to feel me up and to you know say they slept with someone who cared about them. I felt disgusting and used. I never ever want to feel like that again. Christian knows that.

Me: Well Anna I am happy you figured out what you wanted in life and I think as a girl who is still trying to figure out who she is you need time to yourself. I said that to my friend Tabitha in the past. You need time to be you and you need time to figure out who you are inside and outside.

Anna: Yeah I know where you are coming from Sarah. Thank you for always being there for me and for everyone around you. Aaron I thank you also.

Aaron: Anna Sarah and I only want the best for you. We hated seeing you bouncing between men because we know that isn't who you are as a person. You are a good person who deserves to be living her life and to be taken care of honestly speaking.

Anna: Yeah I know. I told Christian I feel safe with him and he said he was happy about that because I know what kind of person he is rather than what the media has to say about him.

Me: Anna never listen to those jerks. They have nothing better to do then be low life assholes writing about shit that isn't true. I am glad you know Christian well enough to trust him because personally I know he is in his upper twenties but he can be a role model for you.

Anna: Yeah he can. I actually invited him over if that is okay.

Me: No we don't mind. We actually love having him over.

A couple of seconds later Aaron let Christian in.

Christian: Hey guys. Did Anna tell you?

Me: Yeah she did and we are very happy she is moving in with you.

Christian: Yeah I know. I mean I can practice with her on the things she needs to know and if she does find anyone I have to approve of them first. I told her I was going to be on top of her case and she needs all the space in the world.

Aaron: Dude we are happy you have the time to actually be there for Anna because I hate seeing men use her. To be honest my parents would slap me straight if I used Sarah. Personally they would disown me because I know better than to use a woman for sex or to even think about touching a woman when she doesn't want to be touched.

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