The Beginnings of the Sapphire Necklace. Charles Comes For Help.

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As I was looking through jewelry that I had in my room with Sabrina and Jess I told them they could take the ones I didn't want and they thanked me later on.

While we were searching I found something that I thought I lost coming back from California and I didn't. It was the necklace that Cody gave me and I put it around my neck and Jess and Sabrina smiled at it then asked questions.

Jess: Sarah who gave you that necklace?

Me: It was Cody's grandma's.

Jess: Oh wow. I didn't know he gave that to you.

Me: Yeah it was something his mom passed down to me.

Jess: That is beautiful Sarah.

Sabrina: Yeah it is. I mean I knew he wasn't going to give it to me and I am glad he didn't because Sarah you deserve it more than I do. I was horrible to him and Corey when they needed me and I am so glad you stepped in Sarah. I wouldn't want my son or husband with anyone else.

Me: Why me Sabrina? You didn't have to trust me.

Sabrina: I trusted you Sarah because I do love you like a sister I never had and to be honest with you I am used to seeing the smiles that you and Cody give each other and like I said way before if anything happened God for bid with Cody and I I want you to step in. Sarah I do not trust anyone else. You and Cody have a past longer than my past with him and I want you to make him happy also.

Me: I can't believe you are telling me this.

Sabrina: Sarah you can trust me. I am telling you the truth. I do not want any other woman near my son or Cody. You didn't have to trust me with anything and you did and to be honest with you now I am going to trust you no matter what. I even put you on the guardian list for this little princess coming and for Corey.

Me: Thank you Sabrina. I trust you also. To be honest if something did happen I would want you with my kids. I can't think of anyone else other than the people I trust with my kids. Like you and Jess are the people I would call and any one of our close friends and family.

Jess and Sabrina: Thank you Sarah for trusting us.

Me: No thank you girls. It means a lot to me.

Sabrina: Your welcome Sarah. Actually we should bring you and the necklace downstairs.

Me: Yeah I love that idea.

As I walked down the stairs Cody smiled and he looked at Sabrina with a shocked look like he thought she would be mad and to be honest she wasn't.

Cody: Sabrina honey you aren't mad I didn't give the necklace to you?

Sabrina: Nope. Sarah deserves it more than me. I am not a bitch nor am I a "this is mine" type of person. I knew you were going to give it to Sarah.

Cody: How did you know?

Sabrina: Honestly honey because like I said to her if something ever did happen in the future to any of us I would want her to be with you and my kids. I know she is with Aaron now but I don't know what is going to happen to us in the near future. I mean these past couple of years have been hell and back for all of us and Sarah getting your grandma's necklace is a blessing.

Cody: Never thought I would hear you say that.

Sabrina: Sarah smacked some sense into me when we were in PA. Honestly speaking I am glad she got to lay next to you because I know the past she has with you and personally not one of us even Aaron could take that away. Your mom told me Cody about Monument Park and when you went with Sarah and all I did was smile and she was shocked I didn't come at her. Coming at someone would have been useless because like I said if I wasn't married to you Cody I would want Sarah to be your wife. She sees you the way I see you maybe even better.

Cody: Thank you for not shutting her out Sabrina.

Sabrina: I thank myself every single day for it Cody.

As we were talking there was the sound of the door bell.

As I walked to the door I opened it and saw who was standing there.


Charles: Hi Sarah.

Me: Hello. How do you know where I live?

Charles: I called your mom she gave me the address and I love that necklace on you.

Me: Thank you. It was Cody's grandma's. What brings you by?

Charles: I was wondering if I could come in and talk to you about something.

Me: Yeah. Come in.

I walked behind him after closing the door and everyone pretty much remembered him.

Aaron: Charles what brings you by?

Charles: I was wondering if you guys were still up for next season to coach the little league teams?

Aaron: Sarah and I are in.

Sabrina: Cody and I live in California but we can come to PA for the off season.

Giancarlo: Jess and I are in.

Charles: Good. I am glad. If you guys know anyone else please feel free to call me here is my number.

Aaron: We will thanks dude.

Charles: No problem. Have a good day guys.

Me: You too.

As I walked him out he smiled back at me and walked to his car.

Sabrina: Who is he?

Me: He runs the Little League camps in Williamsport. Also I grew up with him. He's a childhood friend of mine.

Sabrina: Seems like an okay dude.

Me: For now he is. He is married to this girl Jessica and has two kids so he moved on just like I did. I told him if he fucks anything up with any of us we are cutting him off.

Cody: Smart move Sarah. I mean I know you didn't like him when we were sitting at the mound on the field.

Me: Yeah because he tried to make his moves on me and that wasn't working anymore. You know better dude.

Cody: Very true. He is scared because you can screw him up with the people you know Sarah.

Me: I could if I wanted to but hes treading softly with me and I am personally happy about that.

Sabrina: Sarah this is why I call you my sister. Honestly you are a bull fighter and I love that about you. Now I know why the Bellinger family loves you so much.

Cody: Haha you see why now.

Giancarlo: Personally Sarah you are attached to that family and I knew that since day one.

Sabrina: Even my family loves her and she only met my family once.

Me: Haha I guess I am a keeper.

Cody: Sarah you have been like that since day one and I love that about you.

I walked over to Cody and gave him a hug and to be honest the kids in us were still there.

Sabrina: You see how could I break the bond between these two. I never had a guy friend like that before.

Me: I will find you one that has boundaries Sabrina. Don't worry about that.

Sabrina: Sounds good Sarah.

As the day went on and the kids were in the playroom we knew they were going to be okay with us having monitors all over the house.

Jess would go back and forth to watch them from time to time since we were those parents that were protective as shit for our kids.

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