Baby Shopping With Meredith. 🥰

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I went to Meredith's for the day and I decided to help her pick out some baby things from all the cute baby places they had in town.

Meredith: Thank you Sarah. This means a lot knowing I can trust you to actually pick out cute things for the baby.
Me: Your welcome. It is my pleasure. Do you know what you are having?
Meredith: A little girl. I'm due in April.
Me: Ricardo is going to spoil her but she probably won't have a boyfriend until she's about middle aged fifties.
Meredith: He's a softy trust me.
Me: Okay girl. If you say so.
Meredith: When I told him he was on the floor crying. I was actually crying with him so it was kinda cute.
Me: How did his family take the news?
Meredith: Giancarlo was crying like a damn child and Jessica was just screaming a lot knowing she was going to be taking care of more babies considering she has Carlito who is growing to be like his father.
Me: Really? That's cute.
Meredith: Yep. He wants to pick up a bat and swing it around of course Jessica always tells him to go outside and do that.
Me: Makes sense.
Meredith: Aren't Conner and Carlito going to be two in July?
Me: Mhm. They are.
Meredith: Time flies honesty!
Me: Yeah it does. I remember when Conner was born and Aaron was pretty much on my hand and foot about every single thing.
Meredith: Do you think Ricardo is going to be that way?
Me: Yeah I definitely think he is. Jess said G was that way.
Meredith: Makes sense. Oh um Ricardo wants you and Aaron to come over for dinner tomorrow night is that okay?
Me: Yeah I am going to call and let Aaron know since he is with Conner and my parents today.

I walked outside while I told Meredith what to look for and gave her a list. She was browsing around the store for things she thought were cute for a girl.

Aaron: Hey honey! Where are you?
Me: Hey baby! I'm at the baby store downtown with Meredith.
Aaron: Planning to have number two already Sarah?
Me: No no. It is for Meredith.
Aaron: Oh haha okay. How is she and Ricardo doing?
Me: They are enjoying the parental life and they want to get married soon also according to Meredith.
Aaron: That makes sense. Do they know when they want to get married?
Me: I mean Meredith says he wants to now but she wants to wait until after the baby is born.
Aaron: Yeah I can see that. I mean if that was us I would want to wait also.
Me: Oh yeah. Trust me no woman wants to walk down the aisle pregnant with a wedding dress on. It isn't going to stop the circulation on the baby and it is brutally uncomfortable considering you are carrying a human inside of you.
Aaron: Oh yeah I can see that. Anyways do you know when you are coming home?
Me: Maybe in a hour or so. I'm going to finish up with Meredith here and then head back.
Aaron: Okay. Oh and Ricardo called me he wants to have dinner with us and Meredith tomorrow.
Me: That's fine with me.
Aaron: Okay. See you later sweetie.
Me: Okay honey. I love you.
Aaron: Love you too.

As I hung up the phone with him I walked back inside the baby store and Meredith already had the cart full.

Me: You see how much stuff you need to have one baby.
Meredith: Yes girl. Gosh I don't know how you Yankee wives do this.
Me: Ask Amber. She trained us all. That woman is a warrior. I can't believe CC isn't coming back next season.
Meredith: Not going to be the same without him around. I know Aaron is heartbroken by that. That was one of his best friends.
Me: He cried a lot during the last game. I remember him telling me CC the first time helped him change Conner's diaper and then Aaron pretty much is the man of the house now and Conner all he says is dada all day long.
Meredith: I knew you two would make it. You guys are so tough. It makes me believe my relationship with Ricardo is going to work.
Me: Mere Ricardo loves you. No matter what happens he is always going to love you!
Meredith: Yeah I know. Sometimes I go backwards to when I started with the Yankees and when I saw Giancarlo when he was back and forth with Chase he wasn't happy. Like he always had this miserable look on his face and it was heartbreaking I'm not going to lie. I always told him to come talk to me if he needed to and he kept mentioning Jessica's name but then he heard Jessica was with Justin and that broke him. He said Jessica and him grew up together and she loved him since the day she met him. Then his baseball career took off and then good things happened and they found each other again. I know I didn't have that with Ricardo but it was more like a sign for me.
Me: No I completely understand. I think we all have trouble finding someone until we find the person actually amazing to be around.
Meredith: I mean Giancarlo didn't have to help me.
Me: Yeah I know. He didn't but he chose to. You can see he cares about you Meredith. It is obvious. I mean if you can't have him why not have someone that looks like him. ;)
Meredith: Yeah that is true.
Meredith: Anyways lets pay for these things and get moving because Ricardo wants me to meet him for lunch since I'm starting to get hungry and I'm sure Aaron wants you home.
Me: Yeah he does because my parents are at our place and we are going to FaceTime his parents with Conner.
Meredith: I need a routine like that when this little one is born. Going to be interesting.
Me: Time Mere. Everything requires time.

As we went our separate ways it was like Meredith and I were pretty much those friends that really couldn't separate easily unless someone broke the rubber band between us. I mean I was going to be working with her starting in March so this was going to be fun. :)

Hey Guys!

First chapter is up! Enjoy!

Sarah xoxo.

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