DJ Why Is She Back? Anna Comes Back.

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When Jordan noticed that DJ's ex was with Anthony Rizzo she wasn't happy because they were all sitting at the same dinner table.

Apparently according to Jessica her name was Ashleymarie. Hm what an interesting sight this was and let's just say Kris and Jess Bryant weren't too happy about Anthony being with some bitch who practically is known for using athletes and let alone other men.

Let's see how this dinner was going to go down.

Jess: So um Ashley can you tell us a little about yourself?

Ashleymarie: Well I used to be a teacher but I quit my job and now I am just with Anthony following his every single move.

I looked at Christina with a look and she looked at me back with the same. It was like this bitch was trying to piss us off and we weren't having it. How can you come in and expect to not be grilled since you are DJ's ex and you are dating Anthony Rizzo who is friends with DJ! Like do you not have any common sense!

Let's just say Jess Bryant wanted to blow her fuse and grill her on how much she knew Anthony.

Jess Bryant: How long did you know Anthony for Ashley?

Ashleymarie: Just a couple of months. I was single for sometime and then things happened and I couldn't stand being single anymore so I moved on and found Anthony. We met at a Starbucks actually in Chicago and then it went on from there.

Jess Bryant: Hm interesting. So what do you think of Jordan?

Ashleymarie: We went to school together and she met DJ through me. To be honest I am happy she can make DJ happy.

Jess Bryant: I can see where you are coming from but personally Anthony only brought you because he doesn't want you to feel left out right Anthony?

Anthony: Jess I do not think this is the time for this. I didn't even know until now that she dated DJ.

Jess Bryant: So she thought it was funny to keep it a secret from you huh?

Anthony: I mean she did say she had a boyfriend before she met me but she broke up with him so long ago. I didn't think the ex boyfriend was DJ.

DJ: Dude you are fine but personally this is making Jordan and I feel uncomfortable. She actually cheated on me with one of my friends so that is the reason why we broke up.

Jordan: Babe you didn't tell me that.

DJ: Now you know honey. I couldn't deal with her shit anymore and she was not only putting me in a tough position with my friends but she was putting me in a bad position before I met you honey.

Jordan: Well she won't have to do that anymore anyways.

DJ: Ashley do you think you can leave?

Ashleymarie: Yeah I am going to leave. Anthony you can stay since I am not wanted here.

Anthony: I mean if that is what you want but I think it is insane that she has to leave. I am going to leave too then.

Ashleymarie: Nice meeting you all.

Ashleymarie walked out with Anthony and to be honest with you even Kris knew they weren't going to last that long.

Jess: Guys I am sorry we really didn't know what was going on.

Jordan: No girl listen honestly we are just glad we don't have to deal with that anymore because I didn't want to get into it with her. She already gets on my nerves every single time I see her and to be honest with you it is like she already ruined shit for DJ and I by being here.

Jess: I understand Jordan.

As soon as we were about to all sit down and eat the door bell rang.

I walked to the door and Anna was there Grant. I was shocked because I thought she was done with Grant. 

I let her come in with Grant and they ended up sitting down at the table with us.

Grant introduced himself to everyone and everyone pretty much did the same back but then I wanted to know why Anna was back with him and what happened with Cameron.

Me: Anna what happened with Cam?

Anna: Sarah, let me be honest with you Cam actually found someone different when Grant cleaned up his act and came back to look for me.

Grant: She's a great person for him Sarah don't worry. We are all friends so everything is fine on our end. I am going to take care of Anna you can trust me on that.

Me: You better. I love this girl and she's my baby sister. If I find out you wanna be an ass again I am coming after you with a stick if I have to. Anna doesn't need to be hurt anymore do you understand me pretty boy?

Grant: Sarah I completely understand. Anna and I have been working things out and she loves being around me and my family.

Me: Did you meet her's?

Grant: Yeah I did. They are great people and to be honest we both need the respect.

Me: Okay. I am warning you both if something goes wrong I have a right to know.

Grant: I understand Sarah. We can always come to you.

Giancarlo: I am glad you guys are okay but if I hear something from Christian or anyone else that something is going on you know I have to step in right?

Anna: We know. Don't worry.

Giancarlo: Okay. Then Sarah and I rest our cases. Now I am going to eat this food because sitting here watching it is making me aggy.

Jordan: Same.

Giancarlo: Jordan is always hungry.

Jordan: Yeah I am.

Jess: I am hungry also. I am feeding for two and this baby is going to come sooner than I think. By the way everyone we are having a girl.

Jordan: Congrats Jess! That's amazing.

Giancarlo: I am going to be the one to discipline though.

Jess: We know Daddy's girl already and she didn't come out of the womb yet.

Giancarlo: I am just being honest. She isn't dating until she's in her mid-thirties.

Anna: That is what my dad said before I met Grant.

Grant: Her dad wanted to come after me with a shot gun.

Anna: He did it was funny but Jess Giancarlo had a right to be protective.

Jess: I know he does.

The rest of the day was just full of interesting conversations and we would hope to continue to have conversations like this in the near future.

"Memories on the Ballfield"(Sequel to Earning His Love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant