Realizing What A Family is Again. :D Compromising.

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It has been awhile since I know I talked to Sabrina and I know she has been wanting to talk to me but I have been avoiding her for so long. To be honest she did enough damage and I am shocked that she did more damage than Sam. I mean how could you leave Cody and just go back and forth and think he won't know. How stupid can you be? I knew I had to sit down with her and tell her exactly what was going on.

I walked into Cody and Sabrina's neck of the complex and everyone was there including Aaron. I told him to go sit with Cody in the dining room because they needed to talk with Kike while Mariana was with Sabrina and I talking.

Mariana: Okay girls the both of you I know want to kill each other but I know that you two need to talk right now. We are not leaving PA without the both of you talking.

Sabrina: Sarah. I am sorry for everything. I got so ahead of myself that I not only ruined myself but I ruined everything and everyone around me. I do not want my son to see his father and I apart all the time and I do not want the future growing inside of me to feel that way either. Cody and I tell this to myself deserves so much better than I have ever given him and he knows that but he still wants to work things out with me. Also the shit that I put you and Aaron through I feel so sick to my fucking stomach for doing all of that shit. This isn't who I am and personally I beat myself up every single day for this. I should have stayed in my lane and I should have minded my own damn business. I guess I let my damn guilt get the best of me because I knew things weren't working out with Cody and I. I want you to continue to make memories with him Sarah because know he is your best friend. I put you all through shit and I really hope you forgive me one day Sarah.

Me: I am going to have to take awhile to forgive you Sabrina but I want to thank you for coming to me and telling me this. I am sorry for making things hard on you and for avoiding you for so long. I know it wasn't my intention to but things happen like you said that you let your brain take over too fast.

Sabrina: Sarah. Stop. None of this was your fault. This was all me and I ruined it not only for us but our husbands and our children. I want you with Aaron because you belong with him and I want what is best for you and your friendship with Cody. Cody means a lot to all of us and I want to stop being a slut and be more mindful of my actions.

Me: Sabrina don't even beat yourself up about this.

Sabrina: Sarah this has nothing to do with the rest of you guys. My parents told me that I had a lot of love to give but I really had to know when and where I should give it. There is a time for everything and my timing was so horrible. I ruined a lot with our friendship and I also ruined the friendship that Cody and Aaron had.

Me: Okay I think this is safe to say that we all had to have more self control.

Sabrina: I can agree. We are adults and parents we need to be more aware of how to respect one another and also to teach our kids to grow up and not make the same mistakes we are making right now. Sarah from now on we keep a distance when it comes to relationships but when it comes to friendships we come together.

Me: I would like to shake hands on that.

Sabrina and I shook hands on that and that was step one of moving on.

In the dining room......

Aaron: Dude I am sorry for ruining everything for you and Sabrina. You guys deserve more than me ruining shit. I really don't want to continue to fight with you and for you to continue to hate me because you are not only one of my favorite guys in the world Cody but you are like a brother that I really never had. I want us to keep a distance when it comes to relationships but when it comes to friends and family I want us to work together.  I want what is best for my son and Sarah and I want what is best for you, Sabrina, and the kids.

Cody: I completely agree dude. I think we forgot how to be adults. We just forgot that we were parents and our kids aren't the only ones suffering. Our kids need us and we need them as much as the next person. I want us to be together as family and friends but with relationships we learn to work alone. We have to learn to be independent sometimes because that is the only way we can teach our kids to not make the same mistakes we make every single day. I want you and Sarah together because I know how happy she is with you. I still would love to be friends with her because she is honestly like one of the best people in the world to be around.

Aaron: I would love for you to continue to have your moments with Sarah. We just need to have boundaries and we need to understand that when it comes to relationships we have to depart.

Cody: Deal.

Aaron: Deal.

Cody and Aaron's POVs:

We knew Sarah and Sabrina had worked it out because we heard them talking with Mariana in the livng room. We were happy things worked out with them also because they are the reason why we are fathers and we should be proud that we have to be the best fathers to our kids. That is what we both planned to do from now on.

Kike walked back into the dining room with us and he smiled and knew the four of us could work things out.

Kike: I am proud of all four of you for acting like adults to figure all of this out. It was starting to get annoying hearing this hush hush all the time. I didn't like it and neither did Mariana. We want to be friends with all four of you but the reason why we weren't around as much like we used to be is because you guys were always in hot water and we were livid with you guys.

Aaron: We are sorry dude. We didn't want that to break anything that we have with anyone that is close to us.

Cody: We promise to always be forward with anything bothering us before we go back to the shit that has been going on. Our parents were annoyed and now that we see that we are okay they are starting to notice it also.

Kike: I agree dude. I honestly agree. We need to face reality here.

Cody: Yep.

Aaron: You guys are like brothers to me and I don't want to lose out on all the fun moments we can have together.

Cody: I agree bro.

Kike: Same. I do agree also.

Later on that day.....

Since all of us fixed our issues and we told everyone we were back on the same track things were so calm again. No fighting. No ignoring. Just calmness in the environment and we all needed that.

The next time something like this happens we were all going to step up and help not just one of us. Teamwork is always going to be around for us not only just on the baseball field but in marriage and family.

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

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