Kike and Mariana Arrive. BREAKING MOMENTS.

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Kike and Mariana flew in this afternoon and to be honest they wouldn't put the boys down.

Cody: Mari Conner is going to explode if you keep tossing him in the air.
Me: Haha I said the same thing. She's going to break her arms because he has baby muscles like his father.
Cody: Yeah he is Mini Judge not going to lie there.
Me: Like carrying Conner was a bitch because I felt nauseous all the time.
Mariana: Oh yeah I know. You kept throwing up every single second.
Me: Yeah. The boy was like the size of a damn bowling ball.
Mariana: He's tall already so he is going to be his father.
Me: Mhm. I married Aaron why I have no clue. Dude has done nothing but fuck up. Between Samantha and Sabrina I don't know who was worse.
Mariana: Sarah being with Cody I think to me was the best decision you made.
Me: Yeah because Cody has the German side to him. He doesn't give a shit what people think of him honestly speaking.
Cody: Actually knowing and marrying Sabrina doesn't phase me but I understand Sarah goes through her ups and downs when it comes to being married to Judge for so long.
Me: Do you know how hard it was to let go this very last time? I mean Cody even knows because it didn't phase him to let go of Sabrina because he's known how she was since day one but with Aaron it was like letting go of someone you know that you just don't want to lose. The last time I think I cried that hard was losing my grandma. The only person who met my grandma was Giancarlo.
Kike: She seemed like a nice woman Sarah. I remember Giancarlo talking about her from time to time.
Me: Yeah. She always was that shining star. You know the ones you just don't want to let go of ever.

As the time and the day went moving Kike and Mariana were telling us about their trip back to Puerto Rico.

Mariana: Yeah it is always nice going back home. Though they build new attractions and soon to be landmarks every single day so it was nice to experience new things.
Me: Cody we should go with them next time.
Kike: You guys should. There is this private beach that sparkles in the night time and it looks like it came out of a fairytale. I always get blown away by it when I'm there because it has been around for so long. Like I even have family members that live right near there and they said the view stays the same but the colors in the water change every single night.
Me: Do you have a picture of it?
Kike: Yeah I do and Mari took some also.

Cody: Dude that just looks like a scene from a movie

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Cody: Dude that just looks like a scene from a movie. Is that a pool connected to it?
Mariana: Yeah it is. Like that's an escape away from family sometimes even when Kike and I were younger down there and old enough to just be free together we knew the owner who was a friend of mine's father. He always said it was on the house for us. Honestly we have a lot of memories there.
Kike: Babe our first kiss was in the pool remember?
Mariana: Yeah. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was like one of those moments and it was really romantic that you won't forget. I know it isn't where you and Jess had your weddings Sarah but this is so much better than that.
Me: I would have loved to do that at the time. Like Aaron and I didn't even go on our honeymoon. How do you get divorced before you go on your honeymoon? Talk about the fucking worst luck in the world.
Mariana: Sarah listen I know a lot of our family members who went through that but it is called "sticking and holding." What I mean by that is holding onto someone for so long and sticking with them is the hardest part out of anything nowadays. You can't even smell your own farts and trust yourself at the same time.
Kike: My dad used to say that and I never believed him until now. Like my dad always told me to just be myself and Mariana took me for who I was and I guess it worked for us even if it didn't work much for people around us.
Mariana: We made it out alive honey.
Me: You guys are lucky. Like really lucky.
Cody: Ha I wish I could say the same about me. Like I don't know why Sabrina just keeps going to guys who never want her. I bet you Aaron is probably sick of her already that is probably why she called me because again she wants me back. Like I can't take that BS anymore. Aaron called Sarah also. It is like Sarah and I are the fucking turkey to their cold cut sandwiches. Like we are humans here not pieces of meat.
Mariana: I think you guys should call them. I will bring the boys to your parents Sarah and when I come back I will help you call Aaron.
Me: Sounds like a good idea.

Mariana brought the boys to my parents and then she came back and got on the phone with me.

Cody: You know what Kike come into the bedroom with me and let's call Sabrina. Sarah go into the room with Mariana and call Aaron. I want to see what happens when we do this.
Kike: That's fair.
Mariana: Okay. I can do that.

As Kike walked with Cody into the room down the hall to call Sabrina I sat in the living room with Mariana and called Aaron.

It rang a couple of times until he picked up.

Aaron: Hey Sarah! I'm so sorry listen I know you don't want me back anymore but I want to apologize a million more times for the shit I have put you through since day one. I never meant for any of this to happen and I hope Conner is okay and..
Me: Aaron. Shut up.
Aaron: Okay.
Me: Conner is fine but we will never be fine anymore. I can't trust you anymore. I can't rely on you anymore. I don't even know if I can be in the same room with you anymore. Seeing you still in the media with these bitches since I know Sabrina isn't with you right now because I would have heard her talking to Cody and Kike on the phone. I'm with Mariana and she is listening to this whole conversation so don't lie to me Aaron James Judge. Yes I loved you since the day I met you and yes we had an amazing child together but I don't want our son knowing how his father is in the future and I thought screaming at each other the last time was going to help that but we are really divorced now Aaron and I live with Cody now in Pennsylvania. We are here for the off season and then we are going back to LA. I am never going to forget about you nor will I forget the amazing memories you gave me but I just can't hold onto this thread anymore. I'm tired.
Aaron: I know Sarah. I know you are angry at everything that went on and you have every single right to be. To be honest with you everyone over here misses you and I hope I really hope you come back soon before you go back to LA.

You could tell he was crying through the phone and Mariana just stayed quiet on my end knowing I was doing a good job with my words.

Though she wanted to add something.

Mariana: Aaron it is me Mariana.
Aaron: Hi Mari.
Mariana: There should be only one reason that Sarah is going to come back and let you see your son.
Aaron: Okay.
Mariana: Change yourself. When I say change yourself I mean change your brain, change your attitude, etc. Sarah doesn't want to come back to bullshit lies anymore because that makes me sick just as much as it makes her sick. I loved you guys together just as much as I love her and Cody together. I know she isn't going to love Cody like she can love you but Cody is with her right now because he is sick and tired of the shit going on with him and Sabrina and the fact that these bitches need to know what and who they are fucking up.
Aaron: I understand. Sarah please think about this and come back before you go to LA.
Me: I will think about it.
Aaron: I love you Sarah. Mariana thank you for knocking some sense into me. I understand what I have to do now.
Mariana: You better Aaron.
Me: I will think about loving you back. Take care of yourself Aaron. Say hi to your parents for me.
Aaron: I will Sarah. Bye.
Me: Bye.

As I hung up with him Mariana gave me a hug saying she was proud of me and I mouthed thank you to her.

Cody and Kike were still on the phone with Sabrina but I could hear Cody crying and Cody never cries so something deep must be going on. I didn't want to get involved and I was going to wait with a Mariana until the call was over and they came out of the room.

What did Sabrina tell Cody and Kike?

Stay tuned....🤨

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