Aaron Calls Again. Sabrina is pregnant. Aaron and I back again.

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I walked into the other room the next morning to talk to Aaron on FaceTime and Cody was still asleep in the bed.

Aaron: Morning Sarah.
Me: Good Morning Aaron. What's up?
Aaron: I want to know if I could come to Pennsylvania for a couple of days. Do you guys have room?
Me: Yes we do and I don't think Cody would mind because I think he invited Sabrina also. Kike and Mariana are still here as well.
Aaron: Maybe we need to sit down and talk.
Me: Yeah maybe we do.
Aaron: I am going to leave in about an hour and I am going to probably arrive by night fall.
Me: Okay let me know when you are close.
Aaron: That's fine. Thank you Sarah.
Me: Your welcome Aaron.

Cody woke up with Conner by him and Corey in his arms.

Cody: Is Aaron coming?
Me: Yeah do you mind?
Cody: No because Sabrina is coming also.
Me: Oh boy. This should be fun.
Cody: I know. I also know that you don't want to speak to Sabrina.
Me: Yeah I don't want to be in the room with her.
Cody: That is fine Sarah. She is pregnant with my baby.
Me: Are you sure it isn't Aaron's?
Cody: No it is mine. She did the DNA sample and it was when we were together. It is my baby. Sarah I'm sorry we are really just better off as friends. I spoke to Derek and Mariano and they thought about it also.
Me: Yeah I know they would have but they only want the best for us.
Cody: Yeah they do.
Me: Aaron is arriving by night fall.
Cody: Same with Sabrina.
Me: Okay. I'm going to get everything for dinner ready.
Cody: Okay.

As I walked into the kitchen and got things for dinner ready since it was almost noon now Cody was in the room with Kike playing with the boys.

Kike: Sabrina is coming?
Cody: Yeah. She's pregnant.
Kike: WHAT!
Cody: Yep. The baby is mine. Trust me she got the test done.
Kike: Oh my gosh! What about Sarah!
Cody: Aaron is coming and I believe Sarah needs to talk to him!
Kike: That would make some sense.

Mariana walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

Mariana: Sabrina is pregnant.
Me: Mhm. Like I care.
Mariana: Yeah I know you are angry with her Sarah and you have every single right to be.
Me: Yeah I know. When she comes I told Cody she is going to be staying near him and I am going to take Aaron and stay with him in the guest house right next to where our families are.
Mariana: Sounds like a good idea. Our place is behind that. This is pretty much a complex.
Me: Yeah it is. I am going to have Aaron help me move my stuff into the guest house when he comes.
Mariana: Yeah I think that is a good idea. You guys can bring Conner to your parents so you two can talk.
Me: Yeah I was thinking about doing that.

It was around late afternoon and surprisingly we heard the doorbell ring.

Cody walked to the door and opened it and there was Sabrina.

Mariana and I were in the kitchen and I snuck out the back door and went into the guest house to watch TV until Aaron came. I told him I was in the guest house and a couple of seconds later he rang the bell and I hugged him when he walked through the door.

Aaron: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hello Aaron.
Aaron: No one is here right?
Me: Nope we have the whole house to ourselves and my mom and dad have Conner.
Aaron: Okay. I love when he's with your parents when mine aren't around.
Me: Yeah I know. How are you?
Aaron: Other than not me sleeping or eating I'm fine. I brought food with me though and I was wondering if we could make a cake together. I brought stuff to make it.
Me: Yeah that sounds like a good idea.
Aaron: Sarah you know how truly sorry I am about everything.
Me: Aaron let's go into our bedroom upstairs and talk.
Aaron: Okay.

As we walked upstairs and since my stuff was on the bed with Conner's things on the floor in the corner since there is a baby crib in the next room.

Aaron: I love how every single complex has baby rooms.
Me: Yeah the owner Cody and I know was smart so these are more like family complexes.
Aaron: Smart. We should move out here during the off season. I would like Conner to grow up around here.
Me: Yeah I was thinking that. Anyways we need to talk about us and about Conner.
Aaron: Sarah please I don't want this divorce to continue.
Me: I know. I want us to work out Aaron but these next couple of days I need you to show me that I can trust you.
Aaron: I promise that I will show you and our son that I can be the best father and husband that I always told you I wanted to be. Promise to God I will not mess up after this. Mariana really knocked some sense into me. She called me yesterday and she gave me a list of things I have to prove to you and Conner before we leave.
Me: Yes I would like you to show me those things and I don't want you anywhere near things that are going to cause you issues like for one I don't want you near Sabrina. You can be around others but if I see you near her Aaron I don't want to be talking to you and I will not being taking Conner back with me.
Aaron: Absolutely Sarah. I heard that she is pregnant with Cody's baby anyways so maybe our best bet is for us to you know enjoy time alone.
Me: I would love that.

Aaron leaned in and kissed me and to be honest with you the feeling that I always wanted to feel again came back.

Aaron: Did you get that feeling back?
Me: Yep. I did.
Aaron: Good. Also Samantha isn't speaking to me anymore.
Me: Good! Thank you god! I hope she knows she ruined just as much shit as Sabrina did.
Aaron: She feels horrible honestly because she knows she isn't you and Sabrina knows she isn't you either.
Me: Aaron no one is me! There is only one of me and there will always be one of me!
Aaron: That's why I loved you since day one because I don't need someone to replace you as my wife and as Conner's mom. Conner loves you and I love you Sarah! I want us to always come to each other for everything and I want things to always work out with us. I promised my parents I was going to bring you back with me and I was going to be bringing our son back with us. I want us to be a family again and I want us to create another baby brother or sister for Conner. He needs that.
Me: 😭😩. I would love that.
Aaron: Okay then from now on we need to work together but not only for us but for our son.
Me: Deal.
Aaron: Good.

Aaron and I decided to ignore everyone besides my parents and Conner for the rest of the day. We would deal with shit when it came our way but for now it is going to be focusing on us and our son.

Aaron: Sarah I love you. ❤️❤️
Me: I love you too Aaron. ❤️❤️

We leaned in and kissed after that. To be honest his kisses make me never want to leave again.

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