Chapter 45: autumn

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Persephone marked the last day on her calendar; September 23rd. She drew a sharp breath and took a last look around her room. Before sunset she left the cottage for the meadows. Walking through the woods that separated the cottage from the fields, she imprinted on every little thing that caught her eye, telling the world goodbye but not forever.

She walked into the field, at first concerned if she could find the entrance right away. The sun set behind her, throwing an eerie grey light over the world. Her heart jumped when she saw him. He was standing right in the entrance to the cave, waiting for her with a cautious smile. As soon as he saw her, he straightened his back and stepped out.

She started walking toward him, and before long she was running. Persephone jumped in Hades' arms and he pulled her closer to his body, savouring her scent, her warmth, her touch. She didn't even give him the chance to talk, planting her lips firmly on his, kissing him as if they would never see each other again.

'I missed you,' he said hoarsely when she pulled back. She softly tugged on his dark hair, looking into his clear blue eyes. The sun had now fully set, Helios threw his golden rays over the world unashamed. He looked exactly the same, nothing had changed.

'Let's go,' she murmured, still clasping her legs around his waist. He turned around and carried her to his world. It was the last day of Summer, the first day of Autumn, and Persephone felt like she had come home.

Below, everything looked as it had always done. She frowned, looking at the abundance of trees and flowers.

'Do you like it?' he asked shyly, seeing the surprised look in her eye. She nodded, scattering more kisses on his beautiful face.

'I love it,' she said. 

'Do you - do you want to say hello to your friends?' She threw him an incredulous glance.

'Are you serious? Bring me to your bedchambers and tie me down right now.'

The following week the god of darkness and the goddess of Spring didn't leave his chamber once. There was little time for talking, as their lips were constantly rediscovering each other's bodies. 

Lying on her back, staring at the canopy star ceiling, Persephone caught herself smiling contently. Hades rolled over and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her against him and sniffling her scent.

'You smell like me,' he murmured.

'I know, it's my favourite.' She turned toward him. 'Tell me about the last couple of months. What have you been up to?' He drew a sharp breath and let go of her.

'Same old, same old. Torture the souls at Tartarus, make sure Asphodel is Asphodel, ignore Hermes and think about you. What about you?' She touched his hair.

'You know... fight my mother, defy Zeus, go out hunting with Artemis and Apollo, going out with my friends, worrying about you.'

'I thought I could smell Arrogant Apollo on you,' he said with a smile that couldn't complete cover up his hurt and disappointment over her confirmation.

'He does have a strong scent,' Persephone said. 'I prefer yours.'

'You know, I wondered about this for a bit... but Minthe left when you went away. Did you have something to do with that?' She sat upright.

'I did. She angered me and I made sure she could never bother me again.' He said nothing, taking pleasure in her defying and angry stature, as if she were saying, dare tell me I was wrong, dare tell me I didn't have the right. Hades himself would be sentenced to Tartarus. Although torture by her wouldn't be so bad, he thought. He started chuckling and she cocked her head.

'What's so funny?'

'You are. Let's go, we could really use a bath to wash out any trace Apollo has left.'

'You don't need to worry about him,' she said furrowing her brow. 'I still find him obnoxious and childish. But he is also kind and supportive and he made me laugh. But so does Artemis.'

'I don't worry about him at all,' Hades lied, because his insecurity regarding this goddess was true.

The Colour Of PomegranatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora