Chapter 22

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The seven days went by in a haze. Persephone enjoyed every aspect to the newfound love she shared with Hades. He had made her do things she had never even given a thought. He had made her say things she never thought she knew the meaning of. They slept in the same bed, under the stars of his canopy ceiling. At night the stars actually glowed and shimmered like the ones did Above. She could look at them forever.

'I want to play a game, but it can't be Truth or Dare', she mused. He lay with his bare back toward her. The faint light of a dimmed fire lit up his outline. With her index finger she trailed his spine and the edges of his shoulder blades.

'What did you have in mind?'

'I'll say something and you say the first thing that comes to mind, to which I will say the first thing that comes to mind.'

'Surely you don't intend on tricking me into saying something I didn't plan to?'

'I would never!' He turned around to look her into the eye and nodded, giving her the go signal. 'When I say immortal...'


'That's dark', she wondered.

'Play the game, Persephone.' He kissed the tip of her nose.


'Hot.' She thought of their magical day in Asphodel Meadows. He had called the chocolate hot and as he drank, a little bit of whipped cream ended up on his nose. She smiled sleepily, remembering the moment.

'Whipped cream.'

'Things I'd like to lick off your naked body.' Laughing she hit his shoulder, a smile gleamed in his eye. 

'No fair.'

'Tell me what you're thinking about.'

'I'm back to whipped cream', she giggled.

'And I'm back to things I'd like to lick off your naked body. Can I get the whipped cream already or will we go into circles for a little longer?' She crept closer and hid her face against his shoulder. These were the moments she was thankful for her immortality. She would want to do them over and over again without end. 

'I think I love you', she whispered. Hades felt how his heart skipped a beat.

'I love you too, Persephone.' They remained silent for a minute. 'You know you can stay here, with me, right?' She nodded.

'I'd like that.' And with that she dozed off into a blissful sleep.

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