Chapter 23

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Persephone was sitting under the pergola with her lover when the Underworld winds came up. Curious she looked around her, as she knew the wind Below never blew without meaning. Hades didn't even open his eyes, sighing contently.

'Did I tire you out?' she laughed.

'Did.' She snuggled against him, looking at the deep red, almost black, grapes dancing whistfully in the wind. It seemed to be warmer than usual, too. She wondered if it had to do with her feelings for Hades. She felt safe and loved in his arms. She could imagine herself spending eternity down there, with him.

'Will you take me to Tartarus today?' He opened one eye. At least she had his attention.

'No. Not with the afterglow of sex lingering.' She laughed again and closed her eyes. Sleeping next to him would be okay too.

'Master', the crystal clear voice of Minthe said. 'Hermes brought you a gift.' Persephone looked up.

'Why would Hermes bring you gifts?' she wondered as Hades got up. 

'Hermes is known to chaperone the deceased along the Styx to Charon', he simply said. 'At least those that deserve a walk with our celebrated friend.' He put his jacket on. 'Will I see you for dinner?'

'Can't I come?' she asked shyly. Apologetically he shook his head and kneeled down next to her. 

'Can't. Not today, anyway.'

'Please', she said, 'you are counting me out on everything!'

'Just the unpleasant things', he sighed and she knew he wouldn't cave.

'Fine', she breathed. 'I'll just be here... entertaining myself. By myself. Woe me.' He chuckled and kissed her cheek before walking past Minthe toward the grand state room. Minthe stayed put, not unlikely ordered so by her Master. However, Persephone was sure Hades hadn't told her to glare at the goddess.

'Do you have anything interesting to tell me? Otherwise you may go, nymph.' She hadn't gotten over Minthe's behaviour during her stay in Tartarus and she had never taken a liking toward her anyway.

'I might have had, had you been nice to me', Minthe said coolly. With that she turned away and trotted towards the castle. 

After some minutes Persephone got up and started walking towards the black castle gardens. She changed the colours of a flower once - could she do it again? She bent down to a small bushel of roses and took a deep breath. Caressing the rose petals she saw them change slowly from black to a pinkish-orange hue. She bent down further to inhale their smell and determined they were exactly like the roses Above.

Bored Hades sat in his chair as Zeus appeared before him. Again Zeus was clearly looking for something. This time Hades didn't ask. With an abhorring flame in his eye he followed every step the Supreme god took. 

'Your seven days are up. Time has run out', he eventually said. 'I want to see Kore.'

'You can't.'

'The Fates told me about your bride', Zeus mused absently. 'The girl needs to return to Demeter or your cosy little kingdom will be overcrowded before long.'

'Don't be so disrespectful. She is not a girl anymore.' Zeus looked him up and down closely. 

'I see', he said without expanding. 'You really want to marry the girl?' Hades remained silent. 'As being married myself, I know the joys it can bring. You know what', Zeus said, waving his index finger around, 'I have decided I will permit it. You have my permission to wed the beautiful young goddess of Spring - but only if you offer to me the greatest treasure of the Underworld. As a dowry.'

'Thank you for your kind blessing, brother. But no thanks.' Hades had never trusted Zeus, he couldn't afford to now.

'Careful now. Without my permission you cannot wed my daughter', the Supreme god reminded his brother with a wicked smile. Angrily Hades got up. 

'Fine. I'll grant you access to my treasure chambers. You may choose one object.' They walked through the tall hallways toward Hades' chambers below the hill on which the castle was built.

'You really have earned the title god of riches, haven't you?' Zeus laughed upon seeing the piles upon piles of gold and jewels. 

'Pick something, brother', Hades growled bored. After having walked about for a bit Zeus picked up a golden bracelet and turned around, smiling like a devil. 

'Best wishes to the happy couple', he grinned before disappearing instantly. 

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