Chapter 7

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'Who are you?' a soft spoken voice behind her asked. Persephone turned around to find a man unlike the souls down in the meadows. He looked at her with a curious look in his eyes. A cold crept up on her, but she managed a smile.

'My name is Kore,' she said, not wanting to spoil the fun and tell Hades another divine one was in his presence. To be fair, she expected an ominous figure, hunchbacked, dreadful eyes, greasy hair, long yellow finger nails, pointy teeth. She did not expect the man before her, looking at her with the bluest eyes she had ever seen, tall and slender, with strong-looking arms, jet black hair and thick long eyelashes.

'You need to leave,' he said with the same warm undertone in his voice. 'What if your mother knew you were here?' He cocked his head to the side. Did she really think she could trick the god of riches?

'Well, actually... can I stay a bit longer?'


'Why?' she chuckled. 'I like it here.' He looked at her surprised.

'What do you mean, you like it here?' She shrugged and looked around her. Hades recognised the look in her eyes and smiled. 'You can stay - on one condition.'

'This isn't one of your bargains!' she cried out hastily. He stretched out his hand.

'Not a bargain. A request. Spend your evenings in my castle. It's been a while since I had a guest.' She weighed the worth of his words, looking for a trap. When she couldn't find one, she stretched out her hand. 

'If you insist.'

Demeter hurried to the Court of Olympus. The gods and goddesses hardly looked up when she came crashing in.

'Where is Zeus?' she demanded. Hera raised her brow.

'Why do you think he would want to see you?'

'He needs to call on his brother. Hades kidnapped my daughter. He must be punished.' The Olympians heard her. It must be true, they thought. Who would want to be in the Underworld with gloomy Hades willingly? Surely not someone as beautiful as Persephone. No, Hades must have taken her against her will. Artemis entered the room and looked the mother goddess in the eye. She had come up from the mortal world, which didn't look like it had always done.

'What are you doing, Demeter?' Flushed she looked at the goddess of the hunt and crossed her arms.

'I don't know whatever you mean.'

'The trees are already losing their foliage. Are you taking care of the mortal world, as is your duty?'

'The earth can handle it. First, I need to get my Persephone back. Then, and only then, I will restore it to its former glory.'

'Please, she has been gone for - what - two days?'

'It's been a week and that is not important! She was taken by that creature of a god. He doesn't have the right!'

'What is all this noise?' Annoyed Zeus walked into the grand room, torso uncovered.

'Hades played Demeter a trick,' Apollo said, 'and she doesn't seem to think it's fun.'

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