Chapter 34

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   I blinked my eyes, letting the tears fall down my cheeks as I bit my lip. I didn't want to die here. I didn't want to drown, nor suffocate in this little container. I wanted to see my brothers again. I wanted to see my dad again. I wanted to see my friends.

  I wanted to see my family again...

______3rd Person POV___________________

  Damian started to panic as he saw the box, that closed off his sister from him, slowly fall under the green chemical.

  "Bruce! We have to get her out of there now, or she'll turn out like-" Jason paused, thinking over his words. His eyes trailed off to the clown that laid behind them, tied up and on the ground.

  Joker just seemed to give off a small laugh, knowing that if he laughed too loud, he'd get another beating. Though, he didn't really care for the punches, he just wanted to keep his 'beautiful physique' in check.

  Bruce gritted his teeth, starting to panic as well, but not showing it. He quickly tried to think of a plan, as he looked around. He tried to find as many metal bars as he could, and even looked down as the box. It seemed to be getting smaller but the minute, as it sank to the bottom.

  He could still see the little too of the box and quickly thought of a plan, "Robin, Red Hood, give me your grappling hook!"

  They both complied, and tossed their devices, letting Bruce catch them.

  Without another thought, Bruce put his plan into action, not hesitating with any movements. He ran over to the edge of the platform, aiming the grappling guns, one at a time, at the small open area of the box. It was the same area that held the box up before, so it was easy to attach to it.

Then, Bruce quickly used one of the guns to get his self up to a higher bar, where he then used the last gun to attach onto the box. He bit his lip in fear as he jumped back, landing on the platform with Damian and Jason again.

  "Here, take the guns and pull with me!"

  As he gave them their guns, they all started to pull with Bruce's count.

  "1...2...3- Pull!"

  They all put every inch of strength they had into getting the box up. The box was almost completely full, so it made it difficult for them to get it out and up fast.

  But...they did it...

_________1st Person POV________________

  "Gordon! Please!....Joker took her hostage, and-......she needs-...."

  It all sounded hollowed. Like it wasn't even real. I couldn't open my eyes to see who was talking because they burned way too much to try and open.

  Their voice sounded so familiar, but where did I hear it from...?

  "Quickly, she needs-.....we need to put her-...."

  I couldn't make out who was talking. I tried to, but my attempt was invalid. But I finally could open one eye slightly, just enough to see Bruce standing over me, tears in his eyes as he looked down. Everything seemed to be moving, and he seemed to have doctors and nurses around.

  "Dad?" I said, but my own voiced seemed to be unclear. It felt broken, and it hurt to talk. And even though it felt small, I guess Bruce could hear it, because his eyes seemed to get wider, at least I think so.

  I guess the nurses heard it as well, as they started to talk/yell at each other about getting something.

  As I felt something fall onto my face, I squinted to Bruce again, seeing a nurse hold him back as I went through a doorway. My tears stung more as I started to move slightly, my body stinging, "D-Dad!! I want my dad now!! Please!"

The Missing Piece (Batfam x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt