Chapter 13

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"It's okay, I forgive you. So stop with the pity party, and go kick some villains out of Gotham."

He hesitated and stood there, in shock. He stared at my face for a good 5 minutes before I sighed again, "NOW!" I screamed and he jumped. He then placed a hand over my mouth,

"But there's the Charity party....?"

"Oh yeah, well crap"

____1st Person POV___

  The Charity

  Bruce told me i didn't have to go to the party due to me getting punched. Jason still feels horrible about the punch, but after I told him what I found out, he didn't feel so bad. We joked around and he said I deserved it for snooping around. He was shocked at first, and didn't know how to respond. The stupid questions he asked me about the place...ugh. He wanted to make sure I wasn't just seeing things and that I actually went down there.

  We also talked about what to do, and he told me not to tell Bruce. What kind of an idiot did he think I was to tell Bruce? Bruce would kick me and my stuff out of the house. Either that or somehow assassinate me...well maybe not kill me, but he sure would find a way to do something. It was scary, to think about them getting caught or someone else finding out their secret. Bruce risks it sometimes with these parties and events.

  I suspected there was something wrong with the family at first, since they were so secret with everything. They also were always gone at night (I noticed because I knocked on Bruce's door, wanting to know where the bathroom was, and he never answered). This happened a few nights.

  It was still a little difficult to comprehend it all; my family is a bunch of vigilantes dressed as bats and birds... Okay, it's more weird than shocking.

  Sitting up from the bed, I reached over to my phone, trying to feel for it. Alfred told me to keep the lights off in my room. He said that since I (might) have a concussion, my eyes would be sensitive to light and sounds. He didn't want to deal with me getting a migraine.

  I eventually found my phone, and pushed the home button. Luckily my screen brightness was all the way low, so it wasn't too bad; still a little bright.

  Scrolling through my phone, and staring at it for a minute, I got an idea.

  I typed in a quick message and sent it

Hola amigo

Liam Hemsworth📘:
Salut, comment ça va ?

. . .Huh?. . .

Liam Hemsworth 📘:
*Hi, how are you?

Bored as can be

Liam Hemsworth 📘:
Me too, my mom wants
me to go to this stupid
party tonight...

  I looked down at the text, thinking of something.


"So what do your parents do?" I questioned as we walked down the crowded hallway. There were kids moving every which way, and blocking our path every now and then. Liam seemed unbothered by the slow pace and multiple kids, but I was slightly nervous.

  At the old school, there weren't that many kids in the hallway, since many didn't go to the school, or some wouldn't show. So this new system scared me slightly.

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