Chapter 17

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  Damian looked over at the picture again, not wanting to see his sister looking so dead; so broken; so faded; so torn. He hated to see the dried and fresh blood that looked like it was dripping from her wrist and legs (which looked broken). He hated to see the dull look in her multi color eyes. He hated the grey paleness of her skin from lack of sunlight, and chemicals. He hated it all.

  That's why, he was going to fix it, and save her

_______1st Person POV__________________

  "Are you scared?"


  "Are you in pain?"



  Then there was silence. There was always silence. It was rare that there was noise anymore.

  It hurt to talk, to move, to even think anymore. My mind was spinning with chemicals, along with my body.

  I felt weak.

  As I hung there, chained to the wall. I could hear the rustling of him moving over to me. This time when he unchained me, he didn't use any sedatives. He knew I couldn't move to fight him, so he kept me fully conscious.

  "Are we moving again?..." My voice was raspy and hollow at this point.

  I didn't want to be with him or move around again, but I knew nobody was going to find me or get to me. We always moved locations. After each injection, we always moved. I always wondered exactly why we moved though sometimes. I knew he would send the frequent "in destress" pictures of me to Batman/Bruce. His caption on them would usually be something of 'Is the billionare Playboy missing something?' or something of that teasing matter.

  Usually each time he would move me I would fight back against him, not wanting to change locations or move. And each time he would put more sedatives into my system. But this time, I had nothing in my system, so I could actually comprehend where we were at.

  I couldn't move my head much to look around, but I could hear multiple men shuffling about, and watch the floor change.

   I was being dragged. Probably to the usually van that we used. It was the same van that picked me up that day. It was the same van that transported us and the equipment/chemicals around. At least, I think it is the same van.

  It was almost like a carrier truck, but had the van style to it. It became my second most hated place to be. It was so dark, so cold, but it never scared me. After the first three rounds of chemicals injected, I seemed to be unafraid of everything.

   I still hated being chained up and treated like an experiment rat, but it didn't scare me.

  "What the hell was that!?" I heard someone scream.

  "I don't know man, but just keep working!"

  "Oh my God, the one has a gun!"

Using the little strength I had, I lifted up my head to see what the commotion was about, but I was jerked back, causing me to drop my head.

  Next thing I knew, I was being tossed around to someone else.

  "Get the girl to the van, now!" The cold, wispy voice of him called out.

  I tried to peer up one more time, but yet again, my actions were foiled when I was being dragged away. I could hear the faint sounds of shouts and gunshots, along with slight groans, fading away out of my hearing.

The Missing Piece (Batfam x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz