Chapter 22

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   Eventually, as she was in her thoughts, she heard the rush of footsteps, signalling that the boys were back from their little adventure. Moving her eyes to look over at them, she was relieved the see that they had a small little orange bottle in hand, but her heart sank as she heard a few last words before the darkness flooded her,

   "They're empty!"

  And with that, she hit complete rock bottom.

_____1st Person POV______________

  Darkness. That's all I could see. It felt so cold, and it felt so blank.

  There was a thin coat of sweat dripping from me as I looked around this darkness. That's all it was. The wasn't a single light, or even a single noise. It was just dark and silent.

   Looking down at my hands, I could see that I was still there, not apart of this darkness. I seemed to be wearing different clothes though. Nicer clothes. There were no holes, no torns, no loose strings; nothing.

  My clothes definitely contoured the darkness around me, for they were a clean cream color. Cream colored (leggings/jeans/skirt/shorts) that matched the long sleeve cream colored shirt. Both didn't seem to have a single stain on them. As said before; they were clean.

   I blinked a few times, trying to see if I was dreaming, but I wasn't. It all seemed to be real, even the feel of the clothes was real.

  'This can't be's too dark to be real...' I thought to myself as I looked around the darkness, trying to find a source of life or anything at this point.

  It all seemed to silent for me, so I started to whistle as I walked around, but nothing escaped my lips. With a confused looked, I kept trying, even trying to talk; but nothing. Nothing happened at all. No sound. No noise. Even my footsteps seemed to be silent.

   Taking a few breaths in, I calmed myself down, continuing to look around for something. I know I shouldn't panic in a situation like this, because it wouldn't do me any good. There's nobody to help me solve this, so I have to do it myself, and if I panic while doing it, nothing will get done.

  Finally settling down, I scanned the area even more, walking back and forth, feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere. I felt like I was staying in place as I walked for what felt like hours. My head turned side to side as my eyes looked everywhere, not knowing which way was which.

  'This place has to go on for miles, at least...' I continued to walk more and more as I thought to myself, 'Its bigger than Damian's ego.' I giggled to myself as I looked back and forth once more.

  "Or it's bigger than Bruce's Mansion." I heard a female voice call out.

  Getting startled and panicky, I started to heat up my hands, ready to attack someone. Luckily my powers seemed to work in this dark place, unlike MY stupid noise.

  Turning around, I noticed a figure standing in front of me, shadows covering her, so I couldn't make out her appearance. The dark outline seemed to have one hand on her hip as she leaned slightly, one leg bent while the other was a straight stick.

  Aiming my fist up, I shot out an energy wave towards the lady, but my shot seemed to just go through her.

  Looking closer, I couldn't see the lady anymore, and my energy wave was nowhere to be found. It seemed as though both just disappeared out of thin air.

The Missing Piece (Batfam x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang