Chapter 31

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I nodded at him, and we both jumped into his motorcycle. He started the engine, it running smoother than mine, but still roaring as loud as mine. His motorcycle was a lot nicer, since his was newer, but I still enjoyed mine.

  "Alright, are you hanging on?" He asked, and before I could ever answer, I strongly gripped his waist as he blasted the engine and headed off towards the manor.

Home...Sweet Home...


   "How could you have just ran off like that without telling anyone!? You could've been taken away by someone! Or you could've gotten hurt! And how would we know!? You have to tell me where you are going young lady, or I'm not letting you ever leave this house again! Better yet, you're grounded!"

  Yep...that's what happened. Bruce was not too happy when I got home, and not that much happier when I told him I WAS working with Shadow and Ace (leaving out their real names). He was disappointed that I even considered working with them, but was happy I told him the truth. He was mad though because I've been lying about where I was going the past few weeks to see them, so now I have to have a tracker on...

  "Hey Oracle..." I said as I grabbed my laptop. As of right now, I was grounded for a week or two, so I didn't leave my room much. I didn't want to. I was too scared and angry to see Bruce's face, mainly because he didn't even try to understand my view of the story. He instantly let's his thoughts and opinions, along with the lack of sleep, merge into the 'truth'.

  Stupid business slave...

  The last week or so he's been going back to his company tower, Wayne Tower, and has been out of the house like before. It was a relief, but I still stayed in my room usually taking up secret cases that Oracle (Barbara) sends me from the GCPD.

  Since Jim Gordan was her father, she could easily hack into his files at the GCPD, and pick up a few cases, which she would then send to me, and I'd solve them. It was a little difficult to solve a few of them though, since I can't go out of the house, but I managed a few. The ones I do solve, I have Tim help me a little, and end up hacking into cameras, microphones, data files, and phones.

  It was easy, for the most part. Like I said, a few of them were kind of tricky.

  "How many more days until I can go back on missions?" I was tossing a ball up in the air and catching it. I looked over at the laptop that I placed on my nightstand, seeing Oracle pop up on the screen. Her facecam was from Bruce's computer downstairs, so it was pretty high quality.

  Oracle sometimes would talk to me while I stayed in my room, and would play some online games as well. She was a fun person to talk to, mostly because she's the only other girl here. Besides when Selina Kyle visits, which is rare.

  "Well, you have approximately 10 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes, and 56 seconds left until you can go on a mission," She responded as she was typing a few things on Bruce's computer. Her eyes glued to the screen as she said a few words into her mic.

  Currently the boys were out on patrol, trying to stop Joker once again. He managed to break out of Arkham Asylum, and now is running around Gotham, starting chaos. He was starting riots, and gathering new goonies, and breaking anything and everything; the usual. He was trying to take down Gotham, with the help of his 'beautiful and extraordinary, fabulous, spectacular' Harley Quinn.

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