Alone & Afraid

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Michael had kept his distance when the boys were around; it was very obvious something was going on. When they had a chance to ask the boy, he'd just lie and say that he was stressing over work, but they all knew. It had been a while since they had seen the blonde smile, laugh and overall be his cute self. 

If the blonde wasn't at work, then he was held up in his room. The door was always locked, not even Luke was able to enter the room.

The pastel boy began to worry even more than he was before and it was obvious that the older two boys were catching on to things as well.

They all had work that overlapped each other, whenever one of them had a day off the others were working and so it had been very difficult to have time together. 

Luke had to work overnight for some new promotion at work, they also had some small musicians play at the cafe recently.

'The Cafe' had grown busy around the holiday's and so the owner liked to keep it open later.

Of course, Luke was the one that was volunteered to stay later. That's how Michael ended up being home alone.

Everything seemed ten times worse when the boy was alone, sure he locked himself in his room whenever Luke or the others were there, but the mere thought that they were there comforted the boy.

Now, Michael was fully alone and the more he thought about it, the more he freaked out. The more the thoughts started to swirl around in his mind like a tsunami.

The boy didn't know what to do, he knew that he couldn't just call and ask Luke to come home. He knew that had he done it, Luke would run straight home for the boy, but he didn't want to worry and bug Luke. 

If he called Calum or Ashton, then they'd both come and of course, they'd start to question Michael; which he knew he wouldn't be able to tell them what was going on. 

See, Michael could just tell the three boys what was happening, maybe they'd fix it and everything would go back to normal. 

But there was also that 'If' of everything going wrong and Michael didn't want to risk it. 

So Michael laid on his bed, his phone turned off and in his dresser drawer. 

If he wasn't texting his boyfriend's or work, then he kept his phone off; too afraid of that one person texting him again.

Michael hated the silence, he hated it so much because that's when his thoughts got louder and that's when they start to make sense to him. Michael did stupid things when he's alone, like running away. He thought about it lately, Michael felt that maybe if he ran away that it would get the boy off of his back. Then again, nothing was ever that easy and he didn't want to leave the three boys.

Sure, he's hardly talked to any of the boy's lately but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care for them anymore.

It hurt him to not talk to the boys and he knew it hurt them as well.

Cashton ~

"Luke just sent me a text that he's staying late at work and that Mikey is alone. Should we go over there?" Calum asked, looking up from his phone to look at Ashton.

"Maybe Mikey needs some time alone right now? I think he would call if he needed us, right?" Ashton replied, not so sure of his words.

"I don't know anymore, he's been so distant. I'm scared Ash, what if-"

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