Pa'sicle 's & Red Lips

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-Not Edited-

It's crazy how just one kiss can make you insane. 

One kiss and you're addicted and want more. 

Crave more, need more.

After kissing Luke, Calum couldn't contain himself. He needed more and the other male agreed. They spent most of the night making out. Movies playing in the background while they paid no attention and just continued on. It was like their two lives depended on their lips always touching. Neither of them wanted to separate, but of course, the fun must end sometime.

Luke's phone had gone off forcing them to detach to which Calum whined and tried pulling Luke back but the blonde just giggled lightly pushing the other away before answering his phone.


"Why does it sound like I just interrupted you having sex?" Casey had questioned. 

"Wh-what? I-I...ugh what do you want?" Luke stuttered but gave up, knowing his friend was only messing with him. 

"I just wanted to let you know we are almost home. Oh, and by the way, Ashton and the others are staying over cause they are pretty wasted. So tell Calum he gets to watch you sleep. See you soon bye!" The brown-haired boy spoke quickly so his roommate wouldn't have time to respond and freak out on him.

"Luuuke" Calum whined dragging out the blonde's name. 

There was nothing that Luke wanted to do more than to go back to kissing Calum but he couldn't. He had to act like he and Calum hadn't kissed and had just watched movies all night. Luke got up cleaning all the trash up and putting on a new movie. He picked up the blankets, pushing Calum off of them to which the older had pouted. Luke then made his way to the couch and sat down. 

"Why are you so far away?" Calum questioned before getting up and joining Luke on the couch.

"Because my friends will be home any minute and if they saw how we were sitting they'd piece everything together and I'd ne-"

Calum for the billionth time that night couldn't resist the cute blonde who was now rambling on even though he wasn't paying attention. He leaned over kissing Luke softly before parting and lightly kissing his nose. "You're cute when you ramble. Now calm down. They won't find out...if you don't want them to know then don't make it so obvious." Calum laughed.

One kiss was all it took to shut up Luke, one kiss and he was smiling. But maybe it wasn't the kiss, maybe it was the person. He thought.

A few minutes later the door opened and in stumbled Luke's friends. Some drunk, some sober and one tipsy. 

Ashton was probably the one who drank the most out of them all, yet he wasn't too drunk. Michael, on the other hand was very  drunk and very giggly. Luke had learned that a drunk Michael was a cuddly Michael. The boy looked around before spotting Luke and immediately pounced on the boy. "Lukeyyyyy!" Michael giggled. 

"I missssed youuu" Michael whined curling up in a ball on Luke's lap. 

Luke just chuckled and patted Michaels head. 

Casey had taken Rena, Nia, Miranda and Iain to one of the guest rooms while Ashton flopped down next to Calum. 

"Why are your lips so puffy?" Ashton questioned looking over at Calum before looking to Luke and seeing the red tent that rested upon his cheeks. 

While Luke was freaking out on the inside, Calum was completely calm. He felt he had to be just in case Ashton figured it out. He knew Luke would flip and freak out that he'd tell Casey and as much as Calum thinks it's cute when the blonde haired boy freaks out, he didn't want him to worry or get teased. 

"Had some Popsicle's earlier." Calum shrugged glancing at Ashton who seemed to have taken the bait. Although at the mention of the sugary icy substance Michael's head popped up and he looked to Luke in excitement. "Pa'sicle!! Lukeeyyyyy I want pa'sicle!!" The colored haired male exclaimed.

Luke's eyes widened knowing that they didn't actually have any Popsicle. He started shaking and freaking out. They were dead now, or at least he was. Though leave it to Calum to rescue his blue eyed beauty. 

"I'm sorry Mikey, I ate the last one." He feigned sadness.

Michael's once happy face had now been replaced with a pout "Buuuuut Mikey want Pa'sicle." He whined. 

Ashton giggled at the sound of Michael, he thought the little boy all tipsy and whining was adorable. "I'll go buy you some popsicle's, love. " Ashton smiled looking over to the boy.

Michael gasped at Ashton's words and jumped off of Luke's lap and plopped down onto Ashton hugging him.

"Taank youu, Ashyy" Michael said giggling. 

When Ashton smirked, Calum new immediately what he was up to. 

"Ashton no." Calum whispered for only him to hear. The honey haired male didn't respond to him, he only focused on the cuddly tipsy Michael that was hugging onto him. 

Luke had noticed the worry look on Calum's face "Are you okay?" He asked lowly and lightly grabbing Calum's hand. The brunette haired boy looked over at the touch of someone grabbing his hand and when noticing it was only Luke he relaxed and smiled. "'M fine." He lied. The two went back to the movie trying to ignore the other two boys that were also on the couch.

"Now Mikey, If I get you popsicle's what do I get?" Ashton questioned.

Michael looked up at Ashton "Cuddles" He smiled. In return the male hummed looking away as if to look like he was thinking. "Hmm..what about a kiss?" 

Ashton had everyone's attention now. More importantly he had Luke's, the boy was very protective over Michael since he met him.  Calum had already seen it coming and was now trying to think of how to calm Luke down so he wouldn't kill Ashton. Michael on the other hand was shocked at the request. 

"What do you think Kitten?" Ashton asked grabbing Michael's chin pulling him closer to him to where you could feel when the other was breathing. 

"Ashton." Luke said sternly. 

At the sound of his name the male chuckled letting go of Michael's chin and patted the younger, who was sitting on his lap, to get up. "I was only kidding, I mean unless Mikey is okay with it, then I don't mind." He smirked walking out the front door to do as promised and get the fluffy lilac haired boy some Popsicle's. 


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