Thunderstorms & Midnight visits

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Am I the only one that thinks 'Easier's MV looks like a cult BDSM video where Ashton is a Mob uncle, Luke is the glittery "bad boy" friend, Michael is trying to be badass and actually looks badass, and Calum looks like the boss and a snack :-) XD 

Enjoy this double updated mess! :-)

Thunderstorms & Midnight visits -

It had only been a few days since the brunette had left for tour and yet to the blonde it felt like forever. Michael had recently been job hunting, he felt if he was going to stay with the blonde then he'd pay his part. So Luke had been alone for a good amount of the time. It had been really slow at his work and so they told him not to come in. Luke sat in the house laying upside down on the couch for most of the day, as he grew bored very easily. The boy blamed his new friends because he could sit at home alone all day and be just fine, but now he hadn't any idea of what to do. It had been a while since Luke had gone to the library so he didn't have any new books, he'd already try to see if anything good was on TV but it was all reruns. Sighing out for the millionth time that day, it had only been an hour since his lilac friend left the house, the boy got up from his uncomfortable position on the couch rubbing his head. An idea ran into his mind and he just about cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner. Pulling out his phone a small smile made its way to his face as he texted out a message to someone.

Lukey; I'm sooooo bored, Mikey isn't here and there's nothing to do. :(

Cally; Poor baby, I wish I could come over but I'm stuck at work. It's been busy all morning. :(

Lukey; So that means that Ash is working too. :( Ugh, I'm going to die of boredom.

Cally; Sorry babe, I'll come by after work but It'll be pretty late. Gotta go, Boss is calling for me.

The younger pouted not even bothering to respond. He was happy that he'd finally be able to see the raven-haired boy. He hadn't seen him since the day Ashton left. The two had been very busy at work lately that he didn't get to see either one which made him and a certain lilac-haired boy very sad.

Luke decided maybe a walk outside of the house would do him good, maybe he could go to his work, get some coffee and chat with one of his coworkers. Luke smiled as he walked to his room to get dressed, but the smile faltered when a loud crash of thunder was heard. "Just my luck." He grumbled under his breath before walking back over to the couch and plopped on it. Thinking to himself, the boy decided to see if anything good was on Netflix. He'd checked the TV earlier but hadn't looked at Netflix. Most of the good shows/movies he'd already seen- there was one show he had been watching- but something was happening in the show that didn't make the boy happy and so he just stopped watching for a bit. As he was about to click on some random show to his luck the lights and the electronics in his house shut off. "Of if the night couldn't get any worse." He mumbled to himself. Then he remembered something. He was worried, not for himself; he could sit in the dark on a good day and be fine. Luke was worried about his lilac-haired friend who was outside, he'd temporarily forgotten that the boy was out looking for a job. Luke reached for the phone that was thankfully next to him and pulled up his contacts.

To: Mikey –Where are you? It's storming outside and the lights just went out, I'm worried. :(

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