Tears Of Joy

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// THAT SMILE 🥰💖 uwu

   So I want to write a special chapter.

I thought maybe if there were any scenarios or something that you'd like to see in the fic, just comment it?

It can be fluff, smut, adding of a special character, you name it.

Enjoy! ☺//

A few months ago, Luke was a shy boy and his only friend was his curly-haired roommate. The then blonde kept mainly to himself, he hardly ever left the house unless it was to work or on the rare occasion; Casey's band rehearsal. 

Luke had never in a million years thought he would go to a party where he would meet three very important people in his life, let alone actually be in a sort of relationship with them. It was all very new to him and had someone told Luke back then what would happen, the blonde would laugh and assume that person was on drugs. 

Yet, here he was, pastel blue hair messily atop his head as he sat on the couch with Michael beside him and the older two sitting across from them. 

The three boys in the room were special to Luke, they didn't change him, no, they just brought out a part of himself that he didn't even know he had.  Of course, Casey, Rena, and Nia are also part of the reason he had found the three boys. Had his best friend and his bandmates not drag him to the party or even make him download that app, then who knows what would have happened.

Luke found himself in a room with people he loved, the crazy fact that he loved- not just one person but three and they -he hoped- loved him back.

The week trial really showed Luke exactly what he wanted his life to look like.

It's weird to be with someone, even if just for a day or a week and think to yourself how you even survived before they came around because you can't even begin to imagine what it would be like if they left.

Luke loved the week the boys spent going on dates or just being with each other.

As cliche as it sounds, Luke felt like Calum, Ashton, and Michael were just what the boy was missing from his life.


"At the beginning of the week, we all agreed to do kind of a trial for our relationship. We've been on dates with each other, gotten to know one another better. So, how are we feeling?" The newly Red-head male spoke.

"I forgot about that...I thought we were already together." Michael chuckled, the boy had forgotten after just the first day. He had been having so much fun that it just slipped his mind.

"If anyone wants out, doesn't feel the same as before or anything then don't be afraid to say something." Calum reminded them.

It was quiet as everyone looked around, waiting to see if either of the boys would say anything and when no one did, they all let out a breath of relief.

"Alright, that's a good sign. So, does that mean everyone wants this to happen?" 

Ashton thought about everything, he remembered how in the past, his best friend fell for him. He remembered the secret feelings that he held back because he was afraid and he remembered how much it hurt the boy. Maybe this was his chance to fix things and make them better, he didn't want to go into this if he was just going to do the same thing to not only one person but three.

"I'm in." The red-haired lad smiled looking between the boys.

The silver-haired boy looked to Ashton, he wanted to say something but kept it to himself. 

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