Here's to Friends

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It had been a week since Michael had started staying with the two boys. Everything had seemed to go well, In fact, they all seemed to enjoy each other's company. Luke opened up a little more with Michael, same goes with Michael with him and the curly haired brunette. 

Today, Casey had a band rehearsal and insisted that Luke and Michael came along. Michael instantly agreed, but Luke had work and wouldn't be able to make it. So, Michael would be on his own, but he didn't mind. That's how comfortable he now was with Casey. The now pastel haired boy was more than happy to finally meet the rest of the band and finally hear them play. Casey would go on and on about the gigs he played and the stories he had with the band. Michael thought Casey was lucky to be able to do what he loved the most. 

While the two boys headed over to Rena's house, Luke was getting ready for work.

Stepping out of the steaming shower, Luke wiped some of the fog off of the  mirror, so he could see his reflection. His pale reflection and the bags under his eyes made Luke frown. He really needed to get some sun and more sleep. It wasn't that he stayed up late at night on his phone or binge watching his favorite Netflix show, Luke just couldn't sleep. He hadn't had much trouble before and he had no idea why now his body wanted to change. 

Rubbing his face, Luke dismissed his thoughts and started brushing his teeth before ruffling up his damp hair. He was to lazy to style it and so he moved on into his room grabbing his black jeans and white T-shirt. Once he had slipped his shirt over his head, Luke grabbed his boots putting them on before checking himself out in the mirror one more time. Shrugging and thinking it was as good as it was going to get, Luke walked over pocketing his phone and keys locking the door on his way out. 

The blonde still had an hour before work but the bus wouldn't come for another ten minutes and sadly enough, just being on the ride seemed the longest.  As soon as the bus arrived, Luke got on sitting in the back like normal, putting in his headphones and checking for any new messages. 

Luke and 'DaddyAsh' had been messaging back and forth and Luke felt himself get all giddy. The male had made Luke smile and laugh, he had talked to Luke about lots of things. Important things like what Luke really wanted to do instead of make coffee for grumpy people. His relationship with his family, Little things like:  his favorite food, color, what his first thought was in the morning. A few times the man would flirt and say dirty things that made Casey and Michael question who Luke was talking to due to his red face that appeared out of no where. 

There was a few messages from the man himself that simply wished Luke to have a good day at work and to try and not kill anyone. 

Luke smiled responding before checking his text messages and seeing one from Calum.

'DaddyAsh' and Calum were the two people that Luke had been constantly messaging. Both boys made him feel a certain way. Calum was so loving and caring. He checked on Michael the day after the boy came to stay with Luke. It may or may not have also been an excuse to see Luke but no one would have to know that.

The message from Calum was a question to see if Luke would like to hangout, seeing as Calum was home alone and he, himself had a day off. To both boys dismay, Luke had work and had to politely decline, but promised to hangout another time.  

Michael smiled as he watched the pretty girl with colorful hair sing her heart out into the microphone. When the song was over, Michael stood up clapping his hands and cheering for the band. 

"You g-guys were amazing!" Michael gushed as they all came up to him. Everyone smiled thanking the boy. "Casey why have you not brought this cutie here before? Are you hiding him for yourself?" Nia joked winking at the blue haired boy, making him blush.

"Oh yes Nia, it was my plan all along. To keep blue here all to myself. " Casey teased, wrapping his arm around Michael's shoulder and pulling the boy closer. Michael smiled at the nickname that was given to him.

Michael never really had friends, so right now I guess you could say he was really happy, he finally felt like he fit somewhere. He loved how they all played around and just laughed. It was a nice feeling to just laugh like there were no worries in the world.

Michael knew that he had definitely found the friends he had always wanted to be around. 


It was around noon and The Cafe was pretty slow, hardly anyone had come in today. It let Luke think and stare mindlessly at his phone. 'DaddyAsh' had previously asked if Luke would finally like to meet. Both boys were very eager to meet one another and although only one was nervous, the other wouldn't force Luke to do something he wasn't comfortable with just yet. Luke really wanted to meet the boy, but he was just to shy and knew that he'd mess up everything with his awkwardness.  Letting out a sigh, Luke tried finding the words to reply and as he would think of something-typing it down- he'd immediately erased it all and started over. He did this for a few minutes before he settled for a simple 'Yeah, that sounds nice. I have the next few days off. So, just whenever I guess?'

Pressing send before he changed his mind, Luke stuffed his phone back in the pocket and started wiping down the counters. The clock showed there was only a few more minutes until someone would be coming to take his place. 

The door chimed making Luke look up to see who had came in and he almost didn't recognize the person who he had seen only a few times.

"Oh-that's right I forgot you worked here." A sweet voice spoke softly as he walked up to the counter giving Luke a small smile.

Luke only nodded, smiling back and asking for Ashton's order. As he started getting the drinks ready, the curly headed boy tried making small talk.

"Now I see why Calum always brings the wrong coffee every morning" Ashton chuckled.

A blush creeped up on Luke's face at the mention of Calum's name.

"The first day he came in the shop he looked as if he was lost in space and didn't even know what coffee was." A small giggle left Luke's mouth, but he quickly tried hiding it with a cough.

Ashton whispered a small "Cute" under his breath, only loud enough for him to hear. Luke turned around giving Ashton the two drinks before taking the money and putting it in the register.

"See you around, Luke." Ashton smiled, waving bye on his way out.

"Bye." Luke let out a smile once again before watching Ashton leave.

Waiting a few minutes to make sure no one was coming in before he took out his phone once again.

Luke clicked on the familiar app and on the messages that were on his mind for quite some time.

DaddyAsh: 'Don't apologize for being yourself. Lots of people have there difficulties with certain things. I think it's sweet of your friend to want you to get out of your shell a bit and don't worry, I find your rambling to be cute. Of course, I'd still love to get to know you. I'm pretty busy this week but maybe next week we could get together?'

-Sent @2:10.  

And that was enough to keep the smile on Luke's face. As much as he wanted to just get this meet over with he also was really nervous so he was thankful to have to wait another week. 


Oops that was shit.


Soooo yip here's a crappy update. 

~Cotton <3

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