Thoughts & Bubble baths

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Somehow after agreeing to downloading the app, Casey ended up calling up Nia and Rena.  I honestly didn't want anyone over, Saturdays were my alone days. Who am I kidding everyday is my 'alone day'. Unless I had work or needed to buy food, I hardly ever left the house. Casey would always try and force me out for at least a little bit everyday, but I never did leave.

I know, I know, staying at home isn't good. I need to go out and get air sometimes, socialize. I don't want to socialize. I'm awkward and just ew.

Anyway here we are five minutes later awkwardly sitting in the kitchen. Rena and Casey were making snacks and such while me and Nia were sitting on the stools at the bar.

The sound of Rena and Casey talking was the only reason for noise in the whole house. Like always they were having some weird conversation. I honestly tried tuning them out anytime they went into there little battles.

"How are you, Luke?" Nia spoke quietly bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked over to her as she gave me a warm smile.

I thought for a moment. How was I? I was tired. Tired of so much things. None of which I could explain to the red headed girl. I faked a small smile and answered with "I'm good. How are you Ni?"

Apparently the smile was good enough for her "Good." She replied.

I nodded my head. I wasn't one for conversations. Not that I didn't like them, but because I had trouble thinking of topics to come up with. I mean yeah I don't enjoy talking to people but if I know them then I don't mind as much. Luckily I didn't have to think to much since both Rena and Casey came over to the table sitting down both junk food and healthy food.

"Let's get this party started!" Rena spoke as she sat down beside Nia and Casey sat beside myself.

We ate in silence for a while until I spoke up. I should have just kept my mouth quiet and they probably would have forgotten. Maybe a little part of me is wanting this. Wanting to break out of my shell.

"So what's the app?"

And that's how it started.

Rena and Casey exchanged looks before telling me all about it and the name.

They Like there was something they weren't telling me, but of course me and my stupid self just shrugged it off.

"Basically it's an app, not really just for dating, for meeting new people. It will automatically direct you to people only in your area so you won't have to worry about long distance or anything. Uh, I know the name sounds weird but don't think to much about it." Rena finished looking at me for any signs saying I wanted to back out.

"What's the name?" Was simply my only question.

"Sugar and Spice."

I honestly didn't think to much about it. I've heard of lots of apps and sites that sound way different then they are.

I nodded my head slowly. Casey soon was over by Rena holding out what looked to be my phone. I hadn't even realized he had left my side.

I went back to eating as the two downloaded the app and set it up for me. Casey said he would do the 'about me' and any other time I would have disagreed but today I really didn't care.


Five hours, four bags of chips, three boxes of pizza and a few pictures later.

We had spent most of the day working on the app...well technically it was all Rena, Casey and sometimes Nia, but you get what I'm trying to say.

I was finally given my phone back right when it went off..and went off and went off. It was basically blowing up. The only time that I remember my phone blowing up like that was when I ignored my mother's phone call. Never did it again.

"Uh...thanks guys. I have an early shift tomorrow so I should get to bed." I spoke softly as I got up from the couch. The three nodded their heads and said their 'bye's' as I walked off to my room.

Throwing my phone on the bed I walked over to my closet and grabbed a large sweater and then over to my dresser to get my favorite black lace panties. I know that it's unusual for a boy to wear 'girls' underwear, but I guess we all have our dirty little secrets. No one knows about it, not even Casey. You have no idea how hard it was keeping it a secret every time he came into my room.

Once my things were gathered, I grabbed my phone off my bed and went into the bathroom that was connected to my room. It was a nice night to take a bubble bath and so I did. I lit my candles and put on my favorite bathtime music and then I stripped myself before getting into the warm water.

Nights like these I really enjoyed. Playing with the bubbles, relaxing and just feeling comfortable in my own skin. It's actually quite sad if you think about it. The only time I actually feel comfortable being who I am is in my bathroom while taking a bubble bath.

But I guess that's just how the world is.
How life is.

I know this is kind of short, but I rather keep it short and simple then long and mess it up. I'm really looking forward to writing this and I don't want to mess up.

I hope you guys enjoyed!

~Cotton ♡

Sugar & Spice //C.A.L.M//Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum