Chapter 36

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Static rose in the air and the nightcrawler's forehead opened into a third eye. Landon, Jacob and I watched in horror as the third eye looked down at us. It then looked at Holmer's dead body on the desk and the black eye now turned red and cat like. The pupil was thin and a deep shade of maroon. Holmer stood from the table and we watched the dead man walk to the nightcrawler.

The nightcrawlers mouth bgean to open, very slowly. The sound of bones cracking filled the silence in the room. Large, pointy teeth protruded from the mouth and it leaned forwards until it was over Holmer's head.

My blood ran cold as I watched the nightcrawler's mouth snap shut like a bear trap. The sight was petrifying. Holmer's limp body fell to the carpet like a rag doll and the three of us watched the nigthcrawler devour Holmer.

The nightcrawler's third eye closed and it moved out of the doorway.

"Puppet," It began to repeat hungrily. It started to rip and tear then the nightcrawler's mouth opened wide and a head popped out followed by the rest of the body. The nightcrawler's tall scrawny frame was replaced in the blink of an eye by, Holmer.

His eyes were looking down at the floor then his head slowly lifted, his eyes locking with mine a smile spreading across his face.

This can't be happening!

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