Chapter 27

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I notice a large house behind the lake. It's pretty large, and even has a pond in the back. As I stand there admiring the house, someone jumps on my back and startles me.
"Hey!" Lia screams.
"Oh my god, you scared me," I reply.
She laughs. "People are playing a couple games downstairs, wanna come?
Last time I played a game at a party, my best friend was mad at me and Lia passed out. "Sure!" I say anyway. I'm such an idiot. I probably should've stuck with my gut.

Lia leads me through the house and down to the basement where there seems to be the majority of the party.  There's so many people here, it's as if Jack invited the whole school to this party.

"Hey, Anthony," someone says from the crowd. The voice sounds familiar. I look through the circle of people until I see Andrea.

"Oh, um, hey Andrea," I say awkwardly and everyone stares at me. But what's surprising to me is that Andrea is cuddling up against this guy. This is new, I think to myself. I'm not going to make assumptions. I'll just ask her after the bonfire.

"Come on, Anthony, let's play," Lia says and we sit down in the circle.

Andrea gestures for me to come sit next to her. I move around the circle to sit next to sit next to her.  The girl next to her rolls her eyes, but then makes space.

"Anthony," Andrea says. "this is Kenny."

"Hey, what's up?" Kenny says. All I can notice is how white his teeth are.

"Oh, um, hey." I'm so awkward. I hate it. Who else do you know that stares at people's teeth? Exactly.

I don't see any familiar faces besides Lia and Andrea. I really wish I knew some more people.

"Okay everyone," a guy from the other end of the circle says. I can't tell if he's a ginger, or if it's just the light. "We're going to play truth or dare."

"Shane, truth or dare is so boring," Andrea says. I know she loves the game, she's just doing it to make sure that there's no craziness happens like the last party.

Shane looks like someone just stabbed him in the heart. "Andrea, everyone else seems to want to play it, so suck it up."

I can't be in this negative environment right now. There's already a chance that J will strike tonight, negative energy is the last thing I need.

As Shane and Andrea's rambling goes on, I begin to realize how paranoid I am. I don't really even know how dangerous J is. This could all just be a joke. But, this could also be very serious. I'm scared. I'm very scared.

Shane and Andrea won't stop. I can't do this anymore.

"Just STOP!" I scream. It came out of nowhere. The room goes silent.

I stand up, run to the stairs, and leave out of the basement.

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