Chapter 21

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Troye leads us to the door and we start walking.

"Where are we going?" Jenn asks.

"You'll see," says Troye.

We walk a couple more blocks until we get to the lake.

"Here we are!" Troye says.

"You brought us to the lake?" Andrea says.

"Yes," Troye says. "Sometimes I just come here when my parents are fighting."

"Your parents..fight?" I ask. I remember when that happened with my parents. It ended up with them divorcing two years ago. I don't want that to happen to Troye. He's so sweet and nice.

"Yeah," he says. "They fight all of the time. You get used to it after a while though."

"I'm so sorry Troye," Jack says.

"Honestly, it's fine."

Silence hits us until Troye takes out some towels from the bag he was carrying and sets them down. We each lay down on them and look up at the sky.

"I have some money. Do you want to walk to Starbucks or something," Troye proposes.

"Sure," Lia says and we nod our heads in agreement.

We get up and place our towels back into Troye's bag and venture towards Starbucks.


When we all ordered our drinks, we walk back to Troye's house. He tells us to wait in the living room until he comes back down.

When Troye comes down, he shows us a picture he took from a photoshoot he says he did a few weeks ago.

"That's really cool," Jenn says.

"Thanks," Troye responds. "I think I'm going to put it to use."

"How?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just hope I can."

Awkward silence comes yet again. If there was an awkward silence award, all of us would win it.

I eventually decide to speak.

"I haven't told anyone this, but someone's leaving threats in my locker," I say. Everyone stops. "And whoever it is has been signing it -J."

"It isn't me," Jenn says.

"It isn't me either," Jack adds on.

"Honestly, I think it's JC," I say.

"I know you think JC is all bad and mean and everything," Jack says. "But he wouldn't do that."

"He went to the extreme with me, who knows what he could do next." Lia says.

"Have you told Mrs. Oakley?" Andrea asks.

"Yeah, you should do that Anthony," Troye says.

"No I haven't," I say. "I don't want to. I at least want to find out who it is before I take it to school matters."

"I see where you're coming from, but honestly maybe Mrs. Oakley could help crack down on it and help find out who it is." Troye says.

"Troye's right," Jenn says.


Before we know it it's time to leave. John comes back and picks us up. When I get dropped off, I thank John and say bye to Jack, Lia, Jenn, and Andrea.

I head into the house and go upstairs to my bedroom. I really should tell Mrs. Oakley about the threats, but I don't want to. Maybe I just need to sleep on it. Maybe I'll have a decision by tomorrow. Hopefully I will. I really hope I will.

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