Chapter 25

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Friday hits and my anxiety levels soar up. What's going to happen? Will "J" strike today? I walk up to Troye and Jack.

"Hey guys," I say awkwardly.

"Okay, what's going on," Troye immediately asks.

"Why do you think something is up?" I shoot back.

"Anthony," Jack breaks in. "We know you. Whenever you come up to us all weird like you just did, we know something is up."

"Fine," I say. "Well, something is up. You guys remember when I told you about J on Saturday, right?"

"Yeah," Jack and Troye say in unison, looking anxious for details.

"Well, when everyone was at lunch on Monday, I got another note from J. Well actually notes. They flooded my locker with all of these notes saying "Friday". Do you know what this means?"

"That they're going" Troye quivers.

"I think so."

"Oh my God," Jack says. "Tonight is my bonfire!"

Oh. I totally forgot Jack invited me on Wednesday to go to his bonfire tonight. I don't know how that's gonna work out, it's late winter and it's pretty cold in Connecticut.

"Oh yeah," I finally say. "Um, I'm still coming."

"Okay good."

"Anthony, you need to stay safe today and/or tonight." Troye says and Jack nods.

A few seconds later a somewhat muscular boy walks past along with a blue-eyed boy.

"Ha," the muscular boy says. "Shave your gay haircut please." The blue-eyed boy laughs and they continue down the hallway. What the hell?

"Who was that?" I ask.

"His name is Taylor," Jack says. "Taylor Caniff. He's friends with JC. He's been to my house a few times. I hate him to be honest."

"Well he seems like a jerk," I say.

The bell rings signifying that it's time for first period.


Lunch comes around and I remember that I haven't told Lia, Jenn, or Andrea about J's possible striking tonight.

"Okay, so I already told Jack and Troye this, but I need to tell you guys," I begin. They all look intrigued.

"A few days ago, I got more notes from J. Whoever it is literally flooded my locker with these notes saying "Friday".

"That's today!" Jenn exclaims.

"No way!" Lia says sarcastically. "Keep going, Anthony."

"There's really nothing more to it," I say honestly.

"So, they're either going to strike today or tonight.." Andrea says.

"Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be this Friday," says Lia.

"You're right." I never thought about that. What if I've got it all wrong? What if Friday is just a code word? What if it actually isn't today?

"I guess we just have to see what happens," Jenn says.

"I guess."

That really is the only thing we can do. Guess.

Lunch ends and I walk back upstairs with Lia, Jenn, Andrea, Troye, and Jack.

I we all split our separate ways except for Troye, Andrea, and I because our lockers are close.

I open my locker to find a sheet of paper with writing on it with an eraser on top. I take it out and read it:

"Hello Anthony

it's J.

I have something to tell you

it's not as clear as day.

You'll never know my real name

who knows, it could be Merv.

But the thing I need to tell you

is erase the curve."

I flip the page around to the other side only to find a big letter J with a line on top.

Okay. What. The. Hell. I go to show Troye and Andrea the note. This is insane.

"What?" Andrea says, basically my same reaction.

"I know, what curve do I have to erase?" This is so confusing and stressful. This is the last thing I want on a Friday afternoon right before the weekend and Jack's bonfire.

Erase the curve, erase the curve... I play the words again and again in my mind.

"Honestly, Anthony, I wish I could help you with this one but I can't," says Andrea.

"I understand. It's fine."

"Hopefully I'll figure it out," says Troye. "I'll text you if I do, or I'll tell you tonight."

"K, thanks."

I still have 3 minutes left until 7th period. I decide to go find Jack and Lia and tell them about this.

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