Chapter 12

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The cold December air hits my body as I walk out the door and into my mom's Porsche. It's time for Tyler's New Years' party. I heard he rented out a house, but honestly I don't think that was necessary because I'm pretty sure there's only about 10 people coming to the party.

When we get to the address Tyler gave me, the door is flung wide open and music is blaring out of large speakers. The house is pretty large in exterior, easily beating my house.

Tyler instantly comes forward and greets me with a hug.

"Hey," he says. "Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it."

"It's fine really." I look around and notice that everyone is wearing red or white or green, even Tyler. And of course I come up in here wearing a yellow tee, blue jeans, and black vans. Great job, I say to myself. I thought this was a New Years' party, not a Christmas one.

"Come here," Tyler demands and leads me to the backyard where there are some people sitting in a circle.

"I have a new player," Tyler says and the people cheer.

I observe around the circle and notice some familiar faces. Marcus and Sawyer from P.E., Mitch from the movies, and Zoe from homeroom, Jack, Lia, and of course-fucking JC. Why the hell is he here? And why didn't Jack tell me he was coming?

I go and sit down next to Jack and we talk a little bit before Tyler stands up.

"Okay everybody, we're going to play truth or dare," Tyler announces. "I'll go first."

"Frankie, truth or dare?"

"Dare," says a boy with blonde and pink hair and a Justin Bieber shirt.

"I dare you to take a full shot of that vodka over there," Tyler states, surprising everyone. Probably because the oldest person here is eighteen, and drinking is illegal in Connecticut, and all of the other states. But sure enough, Frankie gets up and pours a small shot of the bottle on the table in front of us. He makes a face that looks like he just ate a sour grape.

Tyler laughs and Frankie speaks.

"Anthony," he says. How the fuck does he know my name? "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say, nervous for what's about to come.

"I dare you," He looks around. "kiss Lia!"


"He won't be doing that," JC says rudely.

Before I know it, Lia is pressing her lips against mine and JC looks as shocked as I am.

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